mardi 12 juillet 2016

Howdy Tuesday!

Good morning TRt friends, and.....HAPPY TUESDAY! Yep, still summer around these parts, mid 80's and sunshine. Cupboard full of Pop-Tarts, so grab your favorite to go with our coffee and pink milk. A smidgen busy at the boatyard helps the day go by quicker, so that's a good thing. 'That houseboat' still sits in our yard......the one that was going to get towed again the next day....A WEEK AGO! VBS started last night at our church, running through Friday, and 'Lil' Hack can't control his excitement.:blob: He loves being there, and seeing the new kids that show up every year....He'll be another 'socialite' in our family like his mom. :agree: Glad to hear of the good Doc. reports George! I hope all are well, and have good things ahead for the day, and all the best,

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