vendredi 29 juillet 2016

Sudden nitrate spike and mucousy slime?

Need advice please! Went on vacation last week, and when I returned, I had a mucousy white stringy slime going on in my tank. I suspected the tank was overfed by housesitter while I was gone, then also noticed my starry blenny was MIA? I immediately did a 30% water change, and used a turkey baster to suck out the stringy stuff. I noticed that the coralline algae on one of the rocks had now been replaced with more of a white powdery looking coating. Inhabitants all seemed okay except for BTA. However after water change etc. he snapped back just fine. Now, 36 hours later, and slime is back.
Worried that a crab may have killed the blenny, but don't see any remains. Have read that dead or decaying livestock, can cause slime? Any advice would be appreciated. Will do another water change, and running skimmer 24/7. Also fresh carbon added, and will change it out again.
Testing shows ammonia and NO2 at 0, Ph 8.1, but NO3 spiked to about 30ppm and is usually 0. Also Ca2 460, Mg 1800 (normal for my tank) and Alk 6.85 (a little low)

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