mardi 26 juillet 2016

Still hot Tuesday

Good morning TRT friends, and.....HAPPY TUESDAY! Another HOT one, but hasn't been unbearable as we've kept the on-shore breeze at the shore. Inland where I live....yeah, it' gotten down right hot. Reloaded on some of our favorite Pop-Tarts last night, so don't be shy, and lots of coffee and pink milk as well. 'East Jabip' is still safe from the onslaught of invading houseboats! NOPE, didn't git! '45 FOOT!Was too big for the truck.' Hey big is 45'? You tell a trucking company something is 45'.....IT'S FORTY FIVE FEET! This is now the 4th trucker that has shown up and couldn't get this boat to work on their truck. :confused: We have 2 reputable truckers we use, and highly recommend, yet not once has the owner called either of them.....real curious as to WHY? Found our son is addicted to Taco Bell......Gave him a choice where he wanted to dine last night when I got home.....and I had some of our all time fav's at the top of the list, notably Golden Corral as my fingers crossed choice.....but nope....Taco Bell with the happy dance to drive his enthusiasm home. Well, I guess there's worst places...Mc Donalds comes to mind. I have to dine there 2-3 times a week while at work. :rolleyes: I hope all are well, and can find COOL THINGS to do today in this heat, all the best,

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