mercredi 20 juillet 2016

New To The Site

My name is George, and I'm new to this site. I currently have 2 freshwater aquariums, a 60 gallon community tank, and a 29 gallon African cichlid tank. I've recently purchased a 75 gallon aquarium that will become a saltwater/reef tank. In the past, I've kept a small saltwater tank (along with numerous freshwater ones), of 10 gallons, that was fine, but I definitely didn't do everything the "right" way with it! With the 75, I plan to follow the book (or books, since there are so many out there right now!) and do things "right" from the beginning. I've already run across one mystery, which I guess I'll post in the appropriate forum rather than this one. :)
Anyway, I'm looking forward to being a part of the community!

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