jeudi 28 juillet 2016

White Things Between Zoanthids?

Just picked this coral up earlier today and got it in my QT.

I noticed maybe 2 or 3 of these white things in between them. It seems like it's on the base of the coral itself but i could be wrong..

I've done a bit of research and I have many ideas of what it COULD be but I'm not sure. Maybe a sponge but i had pineapple sponges in my old tank and this doesn't look like that to me..maybe a different kind of sponge? I heard that if it has the consistency of toothpaste its probably a bad bacteria, so I tried pulling on it a bit with a tweezers. I gave it a decent pinch and pull but it didn't come off or break open or anything like that at all. Then i was worried thinking maybe it got damaged on the ride home or something and its just a wound that I was pinching and making even worse.. as you can see I'm lost so any help would be greatly appreciated. My main concern is that it could be some sort of pest.

It's under full actinic light right now, and this phone cam is terrible. If you need a better pic I'll try to get one soon. Also they were all opened up until i took the pic, i rubbed near them to get them to close up so you guys could see the white thing better.

Thanks for any help or advice you can give me.

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