mercredi 20 juillet 2016

Shrimp Molting and goby behavior

I've got a pretty new tank sitting on my desk at work, with a cleaner shrimp, pistol shrimp and a yasha goby. Also 2 small clowns and cuc. I left them in great shape on Friday, and came back to work Tuesday. Everything looked good, except my pistol shrimp and yasha goby seemed to be missing.

I figured they were in a burrow under one of my rocks and didn't worry too much. In fact today I saw them both and they are healthy.

I also noticed that my cleaner shrimp molted, and it appears that the pistol shrimp also molted over the weekend. I think that's why he was hiding for a couple days. Is it normal for shrimp to molt so soon after being placed in a new tank? Since they both molted the same weekend, it's almost as if the new tank environment triggered them to molt.

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