mercredi 20 juillet 2016


Oh boy, so I posted a few days ago that my brain worm had 2 holes but than went away. Now I see three (the two original and one new) but it looks like the rest of the coral is pulling away!

Its been in the tank about 40 days with no issue. It sends up tons of feeders every night and twice a week I do give a capfull of two little fishies marine snow. Is this from too much or too little light? Its about low/mid placement in tank.

Tank is a 40 gallon with 40 pounds live rock. Nitrate 5ppm, nitrite ammonia zero. pH 8.0 and alkalinity at 8. salinity 1.024. I do a 20% water change every saturday with water pre-made on friday. I only use Ro/DI and TDS always zero.

I have a 90w zetlight LED with 80% blue/violet now and 50% 12k led

fish in tank are false clown, six line, a dart

Man, I hope I don't lose this thing

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