mardi 19 juillet 2016

hammer coral not opening

Hey there. Okay I have a hammer coral that seems to be partially or not opening up all the way. Here is the deal. My water parameters are great. I use RO/DI water, the canisters are all good. Phosphates are zero, nitrates 0-5, alk is around 8.5, calcium is at like 420, and yeah you get the deal...good water parameters okay. Anyways. I bought the coral and I have a 90 gallon tank that is 36*24*24. I have 2 power heads that are the Sicee voyagers 1200, plenty of LR though. I put the coral in the wrong places to begin with about 2 and a half weeks ago and moved it because it was getting way too much water flow. So I moved it to the bottom in a place that I think is lower flow. The coral has great color and seems to be "still alive" its just not opening up. Sometimes a sexy shrimp is on it I'm assuming eating dead parts. The coral looked great in the shop...I will say that I run my lights a different times than most. 3pm to 1 am because of my work schedule. I use Kessil 360 Tuna blues and put it on the acclimation period the controller offers. Just not sure what the deal is...what I think happened is the coral got hurt with the high flow it was being subjected too in the beginning and is repairing itself and the sexy shrimp are eating the dead parts every now and again. I also have a mushroom that seems to be doing well and a feather duster bought around the same time that is also doing tank is about 3 months old.

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