mardi 26 juillet 2016

Reef Newb, just saying hi

Hi everyone, my name is Jessica. I am starting to really get into saltwater reef aquariums as a serious hobby about 4 months ago, and felt that getting invested in the community of reefers was beneficial. So, here I am.

I (like many who came before me) am new to Reef Aquariums. I had freshwater tanks for over a decade, and always wanted a saltwater reef tank. I didn't get saltwater out of intimidation of maintenance. I finally took the plunge *cough*badpun*cough* about 4 months ago. Now I am hooked. (Ok I'll stop with jokes)

I followed online suggestions and started with live sand, and rock. Then CUC, and then fish and shrimp. Now I am 4 months in, and introduced coral on Saturday. My Salinity/pH is good, nitrates are low, and everything seems super healthy. I have 2 clownfish, a porcelain crab, banded shrimp, and a Sixliner to eat the flatworms that were freakin' everywhere. It's a 20 gallon tank, and everything seems fine.

Thats why I am worried. It can't be fine, right? I have to be missing something. Lighting is halogen, so I have concerns there. Filter is low powered, but circulation seems ok. Algae is virtually nonexistent. What am I missing? My sixliner ate all the worms. Will it be ok without them?

Once I move to the new house, Im getting a BIG tank, so this 20gal is my experiment before I sink bigtime money into my reef. I want an RO filtration system, maybe cycle water through a smaller saltwater tank filled with just plants and CUCs? Day/Moon lighting maybe? There's a lot I want to do, but I'm not sure what's best. Whatever I go with, I want to start right. Its going to cost me thousands, so there's no way I can afford screwups.

So here I am. My trust is in your expert opinions. I look forward to knowing y'all.


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