mercredi 27 juillet 2016

New here, kind of

It's been a while since I've posted here, but I lurk on and off. I'm wondering if one of the moderators can help me. I'm formerly photovet ( been here for several years ). I've had a terrible time with the security problem. I never got an e-mail to reset my account in my inbox or junk, so I created a new account which worked for a day and then got blocked by the security thing and won't let me re-set my password. Again, I don't get e-mails. So, I've created a third account. I'm running out of e-mails, so this may be my last chance. :mad:
When I register a new account, I get the e-mails fine.
Anyway, I hope everyone is well. I'll post this same thing in the new member welcome area also, but I did that with my second account last week and a moderator asked me to private message them, which I did, but then I was blocked within a couple days.
Photovet / gbpkrz

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