samedi 23 juillet 2016

Remove and replace refugium algae??

Hello all,
(Taken today)
Amm 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 40
Phos: 0
Calc 420
Temp 79
Lots of what appears to be hair algae

I have noticed a signuficant drop off in copepods in my refugium and tank. My tank is 2 + months old.

Corallife BioCube 29 (heavy mod)
Chamber #1 corallife skimmer, heater
Chamber #2 InTank media rack (floss, purigen, chemipure blue. Along side a InTank fuge basket with corallife fuge light and chaeto and someother red algae (refugium stRter kit from liveaquaria) with some peices of live rock /coral rubble.
Chamber #3 stock return pump, sponge and IM reactor running GFO.
Lighting Orbit usa pro 18" led.
Mp10 quiet drive power head
Apex controller

When i first added the complete starter refugium kit about a month and a half ago, i noticed copi's and amp's EVERYWHERE in refugium and tank. EVERYWHERE!

About 1.5-2 weeks after install of fuge, i had a tank crash (due to the fact im a newbie and removed ALL the bioballs that were housing my beneficial bacteria at the same time so i could install refugium) my levels went through the roof on every parameter... But i lost no fish or coral thankfully due to a week off of work and 10% water changes daily. However the copi amp population virtually disappeared. I just checked the contents of the fuge today, no bugs and the algae smelled and broke apart completely. The fuge is supplying food to my two ruby dragonettes and 6 line wrass... Now im worried about dragonettes starving. The wrass eats anything including all my shrimp and 2 snails.( PS added a full bottle of trigger pods to fuge about 3 days ago... All are gone)

So now FINALLY to my question... Should i remove the entire contents of the fuge and replace with a brand new starter kit and rubble? Or would this lead to another tank crash? My tank has approx 25 lbs of live rock in the display... PLEASE HELP! Thanks for listening to me ramble!

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