dimanche 31 juillet 2016

Low PH issues latley

I have been having an issue with very low PH lately and I cant seem to get it in line despite trying everything I can. My PH has always been on the low side in my tank due to high Co2 from myself, my wife, 5 year old son and 9 month old son all living in a small 2 bedroom townhouse. However lately its seems to be getting worse 7.8ish during the day and when I woke up this morning my PH was at 7.35..
Lately I have been using a lot of B-ionic to raise my alk to try and compensate for the low PH (currently alk is at 10Dkh) but the alk seems to drop very fast, it will stay up for a couple days then I check again and it will be much lower (6 to 7 range). I have tested Mg which is between 1250 and 1300 with a salifert Mg test kit so I don't think the Mg is the problem.
This morning I immediately opened the sliding door and front door on the lower level to get fresh air in the house and the PH raised to about 7.45 over the course of 45 minutes but I had to go to work so I dosed a little B-ionic which raised it to 7.6 where its at now.
I live in northern VA and its been excessively hot lately so I have been running the A/C a lot. It is a large A/C unit for my townhouse and brand new. I have heard the A/C drives down PH but I have no idea how it would do that. Its not releasing Co2 into the house or anything. I feel like we keep the house shut up way more in the winter when its freezing outside than in the summer but it never seems to be such a big issue in the winter as it is in the summer.
If anyone has any tips to help I would appreciate it.

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