mardi 26 juillet 2016

Hammer coral not opening

Hey there folks....okay I got a hammer coral about 3-4 weeks ago and its just not coming out all the way. My water parameters are as follows. Salienty .26, phosphates 0, nitrate 0, alk 9, calcium 420, mag 1350, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, PH 8.3. I have a 90 gallon tank with 2 1200GPH sicee voyagers. Plenty of LR. I have him on the bottom. Its colors are GREAT!...but its just not fully extending at all...can it some how be the water flow. Its situated on the side of my tank almost in an overhang but just outside of it. I cant figure it out. Its driving me crazy. When I first got it this was a coral only tank so far with no I was not feeding the tank. I since noticed the sexy shrimp I have were spending quite a bit of time on it so I started feeding them pellets and introduced two scissor tail dartfish...since them the sexy shrimp do not seem to be bothering it. The coral looks like its tentacles minus the purple tips come out about 1/4 extended and the purple tips are closed pretty tightly within...sometimes though at random times the coral is completley closed up and then comes out again to the point mentioned above...I dont get it. Also it is a small frag. Also the skeleton structure looks great and it actually seems to be growing. Something wants to lead me to the fact that possibly the sexy shrimp being hungry has pissed it off and maybe its taking a while to recover...dont know. Please no questions about water parameters...there fine...lets focus on the more important things. thanks.

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