jeudi 21 juillet 2016

Finally Upgrading to 75g, but how?

Hey guys , so I'm finally planning on upgrading my 55g reef to a 75g, the hard part is that the new tank is going in the same spot as the old one so it would have be " quick " switch. Now I heard that I have to get all new sand, can I kill some of the sand that's in my tank now and use the dead sand with the orginal live sand together ? Also will this new tank cycle? It's concerning , so I'm going to try to save all 55g of my water but I would have to make 25g of pre mix to make up. Any tips on storing fish and corals during this? Do I have to acclimate all the fish again? Also I don't have a skimmer , but I was going to buy the reef octopus classic 100 hob skimmer, for $150, but since its a 75g would the classic 1000 for $190? And would I need a bigger heater, It was given me so I'm thinking its standard for 55g so. A major reason for me upgrading is that I just bought a small hippo tang and I know that the fish will grow out of the tank so why not upgrade now. Thank you:confused:

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