mardi 19 juillet 2016

Yep, Tuesday!

Good morning TRT friends, and.....HAPPY TUESDAY! WELCOME HOME HELEN!!! Glad you're safe, and will keep Otar in our prayers for a safe voyage. Bet you have some tales to tell girl......Up a touch early here, but dogs just insisted it was time to roll out of the rack. Got buttermilk waffles and fresh strawberries to go with our coffee and pink milk for eye openers today. Been craving some fresh O.J., so if'n any of our Southern friends are about, maybe you could be so kind as to put some on the table for us. Crazy busy at work this week thanks to 'Night in Venice' this past Saturday......amazing what folks who drink too much can do to a boat. Shifting at 2,500 rpm's will create interesting repair work for sure. So very sorry to hear about having to take your tank down Vinnie, but would be nice to save the best to a 'down sized easier on you ' set-up for a bit. Life at times does get a bit taxing, and priorities do need to be set, so undoubtedly a good choice. :agree: My Mom and Pop use to call it 'sanity maintenance', in the middle of chaos having a seemingly 'reality unrelated thing' to escape to to keep your sanity. Me.....I got our reef-tank. :cool: Dave.....Sorry for TRTI this morning, but hopefully you've dozed back off. Hope all the best for all today, and be safe,

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