lundi 2 mai 2016

Can non optimal lighting cause frogspawn polyps to stretch and thin?

I am new to reef aquariums but I will post my water parameters and then get to my question.

Magnesium - 1340 PPM
Calcium - 420 PPM
Ammonia - 0 PPM
Nitrite - 0 PPM
Nitrate - 0 PPM
Phosphate - 0 PPM
DkH - 9.5-10 dKH
pH - 8-8.1

I have a Nuvo Fusion 10 (I know a tank this small is likely not the best for a beginner) with a Kessil A160WE. I know that there are differing opinions in the "Best" length and intensity of light for individual corals and I have seen a wide range on these forums and others.

I bought a nice golden branching frogspawn frag about 15 days ago and I feel like the for the first week the polyps were fatter and a little shorter and that as a result the color looked more purple. As of now, I feel like I have noticed the polyps getting wispier and more golden/brown in coloration. The frag is in the middle of the water column under a bit of a shelf so that only half of the coral is in direct light. It is tucked into a small alcove in the live rock so it gets medium flow but enough for the polyps to swing nicely in the current.

My question is, would improper lighting intensity be a possible explanation for the color/anatomy change? Is the anatomical change more likely a result of the flow in its current location? Being new to the hobby, I just want to make sure I don't bleach this frag because I didn't ask a simple question to more experienced reefers.

I am currently manually setting the color and intensity and have the lights on from about 6:45 AM to about 6 PM but I have had the intensity at 50% or below so far because I wanted to make sure not to shock them with too much light. Does anyone have a recommendation for maximum intensity and photoperiod? I know I should probably just buy the controller for the kessil and probably will soon.

As a side note, I also purchased a 4 headed branched hammer frag and a star polyp frag the same day. Both of these frags have grown noticeably in the 15 days I have had them. The hammer is in the same conditions flow and lighting wise as the frogspawn.

Sorry for the long post but I wanted to be thorough enough to hopefully get some recommendations. Thank you all in advance!

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