vendredi 1 avril 2016

Seahorse diseases? Hitchhiker?

Does anyone know what this is? I am asking everyone but i guess i am kinda waiting on you Rayjay i know this is your field of expertise.

I have 2 wild caught erectus and they have been with me since December when i moved into my new house. They have there own tank alone and i started the tank with water from my 90 gallon. After getting all my levels down i added my seahorses and sponge.

I did take chaeto and codium from my ref and added to this tank to maybe help feed the horses. I once a week give them live shrimp and about 12 at a time. This keeps them pretty happy. Also every 4th day i seed the tank with baby hatched brine shrimp. Tesla is picky and he wont eat from me or any frozen at all for that matter. Einstein is a bit smarter and eats frozen brine from the water column and also when i feed him with my extra long turkey baster.

But to my issue: I found a creature on Tesla the other day. At first i thought it was part of his skin but i saw it move. I ran and got a tweezer and slowly worked this creature of Tesla. I am guessing it is bad but none the less i removed it.

Here is what it looked like on him and also after i got him off my horse.

Pic 1 if you look towards the sponge you can see it (but it was hard to tell it wasnt part of his body)

Pic 2 close up so you can see

Pic 3 GOT EM!


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