lundi 18 avril 2016

Question on LED light over a long "Laguna" reef tank..

Hey Hey! I am currently cycling a 33 gallon long tank (basically the same as a 55 but much shorter. It's 48" long by about 13 inches deep, minus a couple inches for the sandbed of course).

Eventually I'd like to set it up as a nice reef tank with fish, corals, the whole nine yards. Not sure if I will do any SPS corals down the road, but the particular light I have has gotten great feedback from others saying their corals have thrived and grown under it (and that is from a larger tank with regular height, not like my shallow beast). So SPS could be a possibility. But anyway, onto the issue at hand..!

I have two of the Current Usa Orbit Marine LED lights (48-60" model), but I am only running one at the moment at full power. Question is, once my tank is cycled and established.. should I run the both of them at a little less power each? Maybe 75% and 75%? Or less? Or should I stay with the one light at full power? (The thinking is that with two of them it is a better spread, although not by much, and by using less power in each they could last longer)

It's a tough call because of my tank being so shallow. How much light is too much light ya know? Any help/ideas are greatly appreciated!

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