vendredi 24 avril 2015

Trigger Tank Mates

Hey there TRT -

I picked up a little tiny baby Picasso Trigger about a year ago. He was the size of a nickle when I bought him and I fell in love with him. He is currently in my 25 gallon tank that has been running almost two years with 3 damsels.

I have a 75 gallon that I want to introduce the fish into so that my tank maintenance is halved but first I would like to hear from other Picasso Trigger moms and dads that have had them in non-predatory tanks.

My trigger has never been aggressive - my Talbot's damsel is the most aggressive and my three line is the next most aggressive. My picasso is about the same size as them and they all get along.

My 75 gallon tank has 2 clowns and 3 blue/green chromis. I would like to get an anemone in a couple months for the clowns to hide in if need be. Then introduce the trigger. I really love him and he is my show piece fish and I refuse to believe that all triggers can only have homes in predatory tanks.

(P.S. I just started feeding blender mush and my trigger is so nice and fat-all the fish are loving the change in foods!)

So what do you owners think- can Picasso Triggers be "tame"?

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