vendredi 24 avril 2015

New Tank with FOWLR experience

Hi! New to the forum but my Husband and I had a 75g tank for a few years until we moved and had to sell it. We've decided to get back into it but we've gone smaller.

We bought a 29g Coralife Biocube. Only change we made was to pull out the bio balls and put a media bag in the center slot. Bought water from our lfs and 30lbs of Fiji lr with a 20lb bag of live sand.

We've been set up for 2 weeks now, ammonia and nitrites at 0, nitrates look pretty close to 0, they were very high (40-80 range I believe) and that is when we added the media bags and removed the bio balls.

We intend to only have a few fish (of course with such a small tank) and we want to have corals this go around. Right now we're considering what CuC to added. We had a small diatom bloom about a week ago but it's gone now and we're getting brown algae on the tank sides and on the side.
Suggestions welcome!

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