jeudi 23 avril 2015

Need All the Help I Can Get!

I am starting a saltwater reef aquarium (although I am not adding corals until my tank is established and I know I can handle them). My main tank (MT) is 65 gallons (36 in long, 18 in wide, and 24 in tall). I also have a 20 gallon sump, although it is not filled to the top.
My equipment includes:
(1) Protein Skimmer-65 gallon-Venturi
(1) Return Pump-296 gph
(Multiple) Powerheads
(1) Light Ballast (not in use yet)
(1) Overflow + pump and pre-filter
(2) 100 watt heaters
(1) Refugium w/chaeto, copeopods, DSB, and rock rubble (will add the copeopods soon)
50 lbs. of dry live Fiji rock
about 20 lbs. of live rock

I added the dry rock and live rock, set up the refugium, and turned on the pumps. I then found out that sometimes when the dead matter on dry rock rots, it can produce high amounts of phosphates. So I took the dry rock out, let it soak in bleach for 24 hours, and then gave it and acid bath. I let it soak in RO/DI water, and I will set it out in the sun to "bake" (I can't think of a better word) and then soak it in more RO/DI water.
Although I took the dry rock out, I left the live rock in there, added a little bit of a beneficial bacteria additive (Stability) did a large water change, and let it sit with the pumps on for a while.
Before I took the dry rock out, the water was cloudy and the ammonia was at 1 ppm. Now, with no dry rock, the water is clear and the ammonia is at zero. I think I might get another ammonia spike--including nitrite--after I add the dry rock because there is still a little bit of dead matter on them.
After the cycle, I will add some hardy inverts.

Any info, critiquing, et cetera welcome--I need all the help I can get!!
Thank You!

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