mercredi 22 avril 2015

Nd 90

Hello, I am brand new to the hobby. I have started a 90 saltwater tank. I plumbed in a danner 9.5 return, an Octo 150 in my R300 sump with 4" Sandbed, live rock, and an algae ball. My DT has 2" sand live rock, two 1050 power heads. Put a blue background and using a 48" led light. Looks great. Started my cycle with Dr Tims one and only. Saw ammonia go to 2ppm then nitrite to .5 now ammonia is 0, nitrite <.25 Nitrate at 10ppm. Day 28 I have lots of algae and diatom in the tank. I hope to add clean up crew in a few days after my levels drop some more. I hope to add the cuc two anemone, some corals, then variety of fish. Several weeks to months between each of course.
I do have one question. I have started to see a white material covering small areas of my live rock. Looks like salt buildup? I premixed all saltwater prior to putting it in my sump. Any thoughts. My tank is 78.1 F,SG 1.024, pH 7.91, alk 212 ppm, calcium 450, phosphate 12 ppb, ammonia 0, Nitrite .25, Nitrate 10, Mg 1180.

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