samedi 25 avril 2015

My 30 gallon Journey w/ pics!

Well after lurking for a few weeks I figured I'd start my own tank thread. So without further ado..

This is right after all equipment was purchased, and the tank was drilled. Ignore my bad habit on the top.

I originally had the skimmer set up way to high in the sump, like you see below, but as of last night I adjusted it.

I literally fought it for 4 and ad half hours last night, and when all said and done it ended with the skimmer doing this:

I literally gave up and went to bed. But as of this morning, it's actually skimming. I will adjust the flow etc daily and hopefully drop the water level in it some, but that's Coralife skimmers for you I suppose.

And finally a tank shot as of yesterday :

There is a damsel in there that my "lovely" ex wife snuck in because it needed a fish. She did so while I was at work and came over to feed my cat :mad: But it will be removed after the cycle.

I am getting alot of brown algae now, and as of yesterday before fighting the skimmer, the paramaters were Salinity 1.025, temp 78. Ammonia 0, Nitrite 2.0, Nitrate 40 ppm, and PH 8.2. Was weird not seeing any ammonia..

But there you have it! Thanks for looking!

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