jeudi 23 avril 2015

Help identifying 2 hitchhikers

I've noticed 2 hitchhikrs in my reef tank I am not sure about the identity of. The first are small little bug looking things. I was thinking possibly hermits larvae in some stage or copepods. But they look a little different then the other known copepods/amphipods in my tank.
Here's a video of them:
The other I believe are spaghetti worms but got scared reading about digitate hydroids. They don't seem to harm the fish so I'm hoping they are harmless.
Here's their video:

Any help would be appreciated. These are both in small crevices between rock that are difficult to get too. I don't expect the first one to be harmful, just curious. But I really am hoping the second is harmless because it's in about the worst possible location (of course).


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