vendredi 24 avril 2015

Hello Everyone

Hi, my name is John. I have done fresh water tanks in the past and figured it is time to get back into it with my son. He has a 30 gallon FW tank in his room thats been up for a year now and doing good and about 4 month ago we started a 30 gallon SW tank. To start the tank off we put in live sand, some dead coral and 3 damsels. 2 weeks ago we just added 4 reef crabs and 2 snails. Yesterday we got 17 pounds of live rock and put that into the tank. I still need to get more in a couple weeks.

Once we have the live rock in there for at least a month we will start to add more fish. Not sure what types yet. After the fish have been there for a while and the tank seems to be holding stable then we plan on adding coral and anemia. My guess is that this will take a good year and a half or so to put in everything that we want.

I still have a ton of research to do and planning. I found this sote today and hope to be able to some minds for advice. Looking forward to meeting everyone.

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