dimanche 19 avril 2015

Cycling questions.

Preliminary stats: 37g tank. 180w heater. Cheap filter from old setup, just using floss as media to get out any large bits that might show up and mostly using for surface agitation. Powerhead (forget name) that supplies plenty of circulation. I've been watching carefully all around the tank for dead spots, and looking closely I see slight sand movement everywhere as well as some surface movement. I'll be adding another fairly soon anyway. 3lbs live rock, about 25lbs dry. 20lbs live sand. LED light setup that came with tank. Will upgrade appropriately before even thinking about adding corals as I'm sure this setup isn't powerful enough for it. 4 hermits, and 7 snails, all have seemed pretty healthy and doing their thing.

So I started my cycle only a couple weeks ago. Added a piece of raw fish to the tank and let it go. Testing every day.

I never did get a very high ammonia spike. Maybe as high as 1-2ppm. I watched it slowly grow but that's as high as it ever got. I kept my eye on the fish and it was there decomposing the whole time. Normally I might think perhaps the crabs took care of it before it could, but I had visual on it the whole time.

Nitrites have hit between 4-5ppm. Haven't tested Nitrates yet as I was told not to worry about it until later in the cycle.

So now after only about 2 weeks my ammonia has read 0 for two straight days.

Is it possible to have a cycle complete with such a low spike in ammonia? Is it normal for ammonia to go up and down during a cycle or just up then down?

Should I start nitrate testing now?

What level of nitrate is acceptable to begin adding livestock?

I have no plans to add anything for at least another 2-3 weeks as I'm moving in a week and then would like to give the tank at least 2 weeks to settle before adding anything. During the move (a very short one) everything currently in the tank will remain wet in a tote with water from the tank. Virtually the only thing new that will go into the tank post-move will be new water mix.

If the tank seems to be settled and remains 0 ammonia over the next couple weeks I want to add either a tomato clown or a fire shrimp. Any advice on which would be best to begin?

Thanks all for any advice.


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