mercredi 18 mai 2016

Newbie from New Jersey

Hey everyone, I have always been a fish tank lover. Parents never let me have a salt water tank but now that I am old and grown I have by todays standard a small 55 gallon, 40 gallon and a 20 and a 10 gallon. My 55 gallon is loaded with live rocks and angels. I want to do a reef tank. My 55 gallon has a penn plax canister filter rated for tanks 200 gallons and up and I have a HOB Protein Skimmer I bought off amazon for like 100 bucks. After numerous mistakes in the past couple of months my 55 gallon now looks amazingly crystal clear. I also have a fluval CB2 fan in there. I think it is a CB2, its the one rated for 50 gallons.

My 40 is empty right now. I just did a new sunsun canister filter. Rookie mistake I removed the old filter after I installed the new canister and my nitrates shot through the roof and also my ammonia did too. So this tank is in cycle mode.

20 Gallon has a little trigger in it right now waiting for the 40 to clear up so I can put him back in there.

10 gallon stores guppies and ghost shrimp for my eel and the trigger.

I want to do a reef tank, well I want some corals anyway and id like to do it in my 55 gallon. But I think ill have to use the 40 gallon. Right now I have a nano polyp 5 pack in my cart over at and I also have candy cane coral, a torch coral and a rose bulb anemone. I have 3 clowns too and id like to see the host with the anemone but its not a big deal if they dont. I just like the anemone. I have a purple anemone right now in my tank. What are your thoughts? What is the best way to do this?

I also am about to purchase a 72 gallon bow front tank off someone near me for 75 bucks. I think its a pretty sweet deal.

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