mardi 17 mai 2016

Is this going to be too much flow?

Hi, I have a dennerle 30l nano reef which has a stock 500lp/h 4 in 1 filter and surface skimmer.

It has an option for 250lp/h

I have just ordered a koralia 900 nano as I saw things settling on my sandbed. At the time of ordering I didn't realise my stock pump was 500 lp/h.

Will 1400lp/h (or optionally 1150lp/h) be too much for a small 30l tank?

The tank holds:
2 black clowns
1 firefish
1 cleaner shrimp
2 hermit crabs
1 brittle star
1 Hammer coral
1 Kenya tree coral
2 Mushroom corals

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