mardi 3 mai 2016

Horrible On-line Order Experience!!!!

I have a 180 Mixed Reef, and a 65 I just started upstairs.

So for my smaller tank, I order 4 specific fish I wanted, 2 that I couldn't get in my local store that often. McCoskers Flasher, Purplefirefish, Flame Angel, and a Juvenile Tang who I would upgrade to my 180 eventually.

So upon opening the Box, The McCosker's and Flame, the two I specifically ordered for were DOA, and the Yellow Tang was on its side. I rushed the dying Tang to my 180 Reef and Put it in there. It's established, and I thought that if it had any chance at all, it would be better in there. I acclimated it, and put it in a large floating plastic holed bin. I keep cheato in my 90 Gallon sump. It immediately went to it's side, would get up, swim, then fall back over. I thought it was a goner. Surprisingly, he's doing great, and is now living in my 180 and eating at the moment.

So I make a call and schedule it for a reship last Thursday. Wed night, I get a call telling me they can't re-ship the fish as they didn't pass inspection. I say fine, I will wait till the next shipment comes in. That is Wed Night for Thursday deliver.

Minutes ago I get the email - "Unfortunately, The Flame and McCosker's didn't pass inspection to ship. Please advise what you would like of equal value in it's place"

GRRRRR - Nothing, as that's why I ordered on-line! What a Debacle on-line ordering has become for me! Ive heard of such great luck from people, but First time I ever place an order and I tell you what, never again!

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