lundi 2 mai 2016

CUC for a 5g?

Hey guys,

Just started setting up my 5g nano yesterday, using live rock to cycle. I'm planning ahead for what I want to use for my CUC, because I can't help myself :freak:.

I'm planning for some type of Goby as probably the sole fish in the tank, and then I'll stick to some low light soft corals. My ideal CUC would be a mix of Ceriths, Nassarius', sexy shrimp, and potentially a crab. How many of each would make the most sense? I don't want to have too many and have them starving on me because they don't have enough to eat.

What type of crab would be safe? Would it be better to skip one altogether?

Last question: How deep should I keep the substrate? My tank is just a regular, not a tall, so I don't have a ton of vertical space to play with.

Thanks for the help in advance guys! I'll post some pictures of the tank once I get home and can snap a few.

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