vendredi 20 mai 2016

210 gallon Agressive/Predator Marine Tank

I am new to the aquarium hobby, having been wanting and researching for about 2 years. I have read 3 or 4 books and done a ton of online research and have finally decided on 210 gallon (really nice) setup- and am for now leaving it up to the LFS to tell me what components I need for the system.

These questions are about compatibility and the size and order of fish I'd like to add to the tank. I am not skimping on parts- especially the skimmer. I intend to do weekly water changes of 7-10% per week and intend to keep the bioload high, but manageable. I'd like to have about 7 fish in the tank.

Here is the livestock in order of importance:
Porcupine Puffer (my favorite)
Volitan Lionfish
Eel (of some kind, suggestions welcome)
Dogface or Foxface puffer
Panther Grouper

Other suggestions welcome, but here's the catch: I know these fish are not reef safe, but my understanding is that they will eat the cleanup crew, but may or may not bother the coral. I love triggers but am avoiding them here (along with angelfish) as I plan to try to put in some coral. I feel like they might mess with some types of corals but not with others, and if I can figure out which ones they don't mess with, I could get some serious coral color in the tank along with the fish.

I realize that my fish list is incomplete and also that 7 fish is probably a lot for a 210 gallon. I also realize that theoretically this should be a FOWLR tank, but I'm interested in your opinions- if I avoid the triggers and the others that will definitely destroy the coral and I don't put in any inverts, could I have a predator reef tank with these fish?

What other awesome fish could I add?
What order should I add them?
Am I crazy to put coral in with these fish?

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