mardi 31 mars 2015

Lighting options

Ok, so I have been out of the hobby for a few years after coming back from vacation and finding that the person who was to take care of my tank didnt. I came back to a dead system due to the sump running dry and tank overheating. It bummed me out too much to rebuild after the amount of time that went into it.

Anyhow, the infection has resurfaced and I am once again planning another tank...or starting to.

Previously I had MH and at thew time LED was still somewhat new.

What are opinions between the two? This will be a large, maybe 400 gallon, SPS dominant system.

I like the idea of LED as the MH generated a great deal of heat and sucked up a good amount of power.

Id like to especially hear from folks who have used both but any and all opinions are welcome!:blob:

New - 60 Gallon Rimless Marineland 24" Cube Glass Aquarium

Title pretty much sums it up,

I have a 24"x24"x24" 60 Gallon Marineland Rimless Cube Thats completely brand new still has box and stickers.

I decided to go with a different sized tank, the local aquarium store has no returns or refunds on aquariums. Located In Northern California.

Asking $180


Fellows I was unable to find a thread for ID specimens , I got this at the LFS and I was told it is a "blue photosynthetic "I was unable to find anything that looks like it , the thing is it started purple when I got it then got bluish now is slowly fading to what it seems white,it is growing fast though!! current placement is top of tank under LED ocean revive unit, and strong flow. Parameters are under normal range any ideas what tipe of sponge (coral) it is to give it proper care.

Thanks in advance

IMG_1756 by aztlan67_rs, on Flickr

MAS meeting

April 2015 Meeting Date Changed to April 9th

Dear David,

Minnesota Aquarium Society April Meeting Date Has been changed (April 9th) to coincide with the Annual Show so don't show up this Thursday! Come next week on the 9th. Hope to see everyone there and at the show April 10-12


Curtis Kafer

Where: Friendly Fridley VFW 1040 Osborne Rd, Fridley MN 55432

help! sick hippo tang

I have had a hippo tang for about a year. A month ago I upgraded from a 90 gallon to a 225. She was doing good then after about a week she got ich. I couldn't catch her to put in quarantine so I treated the thank with herbtana. No more ich but now she is hiding and not eating. I have tried nori, mysis, brine, aquadine, and new life spectrum all soaked in garlic (fresh and extract) and selcon. Today when I came home she was out swimming so I put some aquadine in the tank right away, she ate one then spit it out and went back hidding the rocks again. She was looking thin and pale, paramaters are perfect nitrates are up to 5 ppm due to having to turn skimmer of for the treatment. What can I do? I really don't want to lose her. I did lose 3 clowns to brook but from my research it is supposed to only affect clown fish. The tang does have some scratches from when she had ich

Urgent Ident! What is this? Is it dangerous?

Some sort of Sea Star is breeding in my tank.

I was too nervous to take out the bigger ones, like 5 inches in diameter, but found this baby on the glass.

Please identify it ASAP- theres 4 I can see, so there must be dozens I can't.

Nanocube w. newly installed Radion, MP10, Nitrate Ammonia Nitrite 0,

Where to buy corals in north houston

Hey there,

I have am new to the forum and would like to first apologize if this is the wrong place to be posting this, sorry.

I recently moved to northern suburbs of Houston TX. Not wanting to move my 55g from utah I have opted to start fresh with a 46g bowfront and am now at the point that i feel safe adding some frags. I am curious to know where i can find some good frag shops, the two that i have visited seemed very overpriced(^poor reefer) and not all that well kept. Any suggestions would be very much appreciated.

Have a FANTASTIC day!!


Well, returning the Remora S and going back to my old generic in sump skimmer. Does anyone know of /recommend a small skimmer for a small sump space? Its a 55g MD. The space I have to work with is an impossible 4" x 6". I've even thought about using the Remora in hang over the back fashion in the sump but then there is clearance issues with the stand. I've looked at a bunch online but seems like they either are not rated for 50g or have lousy reviews etc.

What to do in Cleveland?

Got six weeks of live in a hotel time in Cleveland beginning next week.

Heard some comedians and other stereotypes, but also saw they have a nice ramen joint. With the biomedical turn in the cities progress there is life and growth in Cleveland.

Any good food truck, museum or odd stuff places to visit while there?

Double Posts from IOS

I'm experiencing a lot of double posts when using my iPhone, and do not have the ability to delete the double.

I am only clicking submit once

ReefBreeders Photon 48 (light schedule)

Hey everyone...

I have a ReefBreeders photon series light about 6 inches off the water level of my 240g reef tank....

Could anyone with these series of lights share their light schedule with me???

Tuesday morning wake up call!

Good Morning Everyone!:wavey:

Coffee is ready along with some bacon, eggs, grits and toast.

Really great weather warm and dry,

Three more work days until my vacation starts , counting down.:agree:

Have a Great Day!

lundi 30 mars 2015

Coral problem

Hi everyone :) I'm new here. I used to have for years fresh water aquariums. Now I'm in Vietnam (I'm from Canada). Tropical fish are cheap here. Ex a sea horse is about $5. 10 days ago I bought the whole kit. The aquarium is 1m x 50cm x 40cm. 200 liters or about 50 gallons. Light Kao Kui KK100A 2x30W (one blue & one red) . The fish shop brought everything (even all the water) and installed everything. Yesterday I bought kits to mesure Ph, Salinity, NH3/NH4+ level

Temperature of the water 28.1 C during the day (I use air-conditioning 25C during the day all year round. It's HOT here). In the morning when I get up the water is at 28.4C

PH - By the color About 8.1

Salinity 1.0223

Nh3-4 By the color between 0 & 0.25 mg/l

I put 4 Clown fish yesterday

In 10 days some of the coral (the top) has gradually turned brown reddish.

What can be the problem?

My post count is still at zero so I can't put a picture or a link.

what is this???

I've spotted this elusive little bugger a few times and just happened to have my phone handy this time around. Can anyone tell me what this is?

It looks almost like a slug... or a snail without a shell??

90g Reef Filtration

Hey everybody. ..... need some help here. My tank is about 1 week old.... its a 90gallon that i plan on making reef ready. I have 80 pounds of dry rock and 10 pounds of live rock. I have an aquaclear 110 with a sponge and puracomplete. In my one canister i have puragen and phoslock. In my other canister i have carbon, sponge, and some bio filtration. Will this be sufficient? Also, how long until that dry rock becomes live?

Thanks all!

93 gallon cube return pump

So I just bought a 93 GALLON MARINE LAND cube with the corner overflow it's rated for 750 gph. I am going to be usingroup a 20 gallon baffled sump .I am guessing my magdrive 9.5 won't be enough because it's only pushing 740 when it's a 3 feetc pumping height and I will be going at least 4 .

So I am wondering if anyone else has a 93 gallon cube and what pump they are using ? Also a pic of their sump will help me with my plumbing plans

Thanks in advance!

Circulation Pump Question

I'm a newbie (8 weeks) with 3 blue damsels and 5 narcissus snails. I purchased an Aqueon 950 for my 60g and am concerned because the damsels (larry, curly and moe) seem to be struggling against the current this pump produces all the time. I purchased this particular pump based on the specs for a 60g. Are my stooges going to be okay? Should I replace this pump with a lower wattage?:read:

Branching hammer

I bought 6 head branching hammer when it was in the store the tentacles were fat and 2 inch long in my tank they r thin but the same length so why r they thin ???

They are in shaded area if i put them under the leds near the elegance and bubble they become worse and extend max one inch so what can i do to make them fully extend ?

Phos 0.08

Nitrate <1

Alk 11

Mag 1460

Cal 450

I feed zooplankton every 2 days

Returning fish enthusiast

Hi all, just stopping in to introduce myself. Taking hte plunge and slowly getting back into reefing after about an 8 year hiatus. A divorce, growing up kid, move and career change has finally gave me time to slow down and do it right.

I'll be building out a 30 Gallon reef aquarium slowly over time as my budget allows. Right now I have the tank (already drilled etc) and will be picking up the sump, skimmer and a few other things tomorrow. It's been years since I did all of this, so I will be trying to remember how to build it all and watching from the sidelines with in all likelyhood a ton of questions.


Decided on building LED Fixture

So I've decided to go the DIY route for an LED fixture.

Im pretty much going to follow Jerad's DIY with a few small changes and thought I'd ask opinions, mainly on LED placement.

This is for a 48 x 12.75 x 20 tank

I haven't decided on a heatsink yet except there will be 2, each about 19" long.

Option 1 (Jerad's build with no changes)

Most likely going to use a 36 Ultra Premium LED Kit from rapid LED if I can't source the parts from my shop

Mean Well ELN 60-48P drivers

LED positioning

|B-W-B-W-B-W| |W-B-W-B-W-B|

|W-B-W-B-W-B| |B-W-B-W-B-W|

|B-W-B-W-B-W| |W-B-W-B-W-B|

heatsink#1 heatsink#2

Driver positioning




Option 2

Pretty much the same only adding in 2 red, 2 green, and 4UV into the mix along with the original 36 from the rapid LED kit.

And this is where I need the advice.....where would I put the extra LEDs and on what drivers would you run them on for best results? I have an Idea but would like to see what the experts think. (mixed reef tank)

I'll also be building an Arduino based controller with LCD Screen...I like it because I can expand it to control other things as well.

Let me know what you think.

I'll also be updating and adding pics to this thread as I progress with the build.

Tank decision help

Hey there guys, so I'm looking at two tanks off of Craigslist as I am upgrading my tank.

There's one that is a 55 gallon with:

Up for sale is a 55 gal tank setup with all accessories needed to have a nice saltwater tank and coral growout. Everything needed to start your saltwater tank!

Included is the following:

(1) 55 Gallon Glass tank w/ Black back-in great condition!

(1) Aquatic Life T5 4 lamp, 4 foot fixture w/ lunar LED lights. This fixture is controllable w/ the remote on the unit- $350 new on amazon. Great for growing LPS & SPS! Has blue, white/pink, and blue LED moon lights.

(1) Brooklyn Black Metal Stand- this is $80 new and is not even a year old.

(1) 40 gallon glass sump- 3 chambers, one for a refugium.

(1) Eshopps PF-800 HOB overflow with filter sock and all plumbing needed. These are $80 new and rated for 800 gph.

(1) JBJ Nano Glo LED light for sump-this was $50 new and is barely used.

(1) Hydor Koralia Circulation Pump

(1) Heater

(1) 500 gph return pump

(6) Big Pieces of rock-this was live and will become live once put in a saltwater tank.

(1) Return line with nozzle

350 OBO (plus I'll add pictures if I can from my iPad)

Or this 85 gallon:'with lights, canopy, skimmer, sump tank and claims it is ready to go so I Bielefeld it has a pump. For 350 OBO.

I'm going to look at both tanks today to see whether I like the top one with HOB overflow or the second one with Built in overflow. The top guy also said he can give me a skimmer he is using as a back up which is an eshopps psk-75h

Thanks for any advice that you guys have to offer on my decisions!

No visible green algae

I never thought I'd ever ask this, but is it normal for a tank to be up and running for over 3 months without any visible green algae? I have a lot of corraline and while I was cycling had a week with a lot of brown algae... But now I only have corraline. I'm not complaining at all!!! But I want to know if this is normal?

It's 75 reef, all levels good... Cleanup crew of Apx 35 snails, 10 hermits, 2 fighting conch, serpent sea star, and lawnmower Benny. They all seem healthy so maybe they are just doing a great job!

VIDEO: AI Prime, Tank Mount and myAI mobile app

VIDEO: AI Prime, Tank Mount and myAI mobile app

Get a closer look at the Aqua Illumination Prime, its cool tank mount and the myAI mobile app in our latest video!

Surface agitation

hello.. I am new to the marine aquarium hobby and still in the learning faze. I currently have a 20 gallon marine tank with just live rock. I have a canister filter made for 75 gallon. I was recently discussing evaporation with a local fish store employee. My question to him was " I am aware of the need to add fresh water to counter evaporation however I have noticed a lot of salt build up around the top area of my tank and was wondering, aside from during a water change to address nitrates, is there ever a need to add salt water to maintain necessary salinity?".. His advice was to lower my water return line below surface to prevent splashing which he believed was the cause of salt build up. I understand what he is saying however I was of the belief that when I actually have marine occupants allowing the return line to create surface agitation was beneficial if not necessary for the supply and disbursement of oxygen to the water. Is this accurate or should I followed the shop mans advice on this one?

Thx, Seth

Need help with pricing of corals

Hello, Im selling off my corals and I have someone who is interested. I am not too sure on pricing and I want to be fair as I don't want to overcharge or shortchange myself either. Looking for price recommendations on these corals, sorry for the images but my main camera is not working so I had to use a cell phone.

Here are my monti's, the pink one is about 4 inches wide and about 6 inches long. The purple to the right is smaller I would say about 3-4 inches wide 2 inches on the smaller side

Next I have fire and Ice about 25 -30 heads (sorry for the bad angle of the shot)

Then there is the starburst which is pretty big spread between 2 pieces of rick

These palys are about 30 heads

The alveopora is about 5-6 inches when open

The base of this guy is around 3 inches

there are a good number of heads on here

Also a lot on here

I also Have a toadstool at the top left of this pic which is splitting into two, it is 3-4 inches tall

And Last but I don't have a picture of it is a pulsing Xenia tree which is 3 heads and the base is about 2 inches thick, the heads are a nice size. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Low Magnesium levels

So I've had my 75 reef up now for a little over 3 months. All of my levels have been good the entire time, except my magnesium seems to be a little low. All of my corals look great, so maybe it's not a big deal, but wanted to see when I should be concerned that it's too low?? Also I have very good corraline growth


Dkh- 12

Calcium- between 400-440

Magnesium- between 1125-1180

Corals- mushrooms, Zoas, toadstool, torch, and hammer


reef breeders led for 40 breeder

Hello TRT. I would like your input on a new light I am thinking about for my 40 breeder mixed. Curently I run an older 5x39 watt aquatinix atx T5HO light. I like the light but the bulbs are expensive to buy every year and the lamp is getting a bit old. I was thinking of picking up one of these reef breeder 120 watt led with 120 optics:

Ive read a lot of good reviews about these as a decent budget level led. My tank is set up so I have some sps in the middle about 1/4 depth including 2 types of stylophora and a birds nest. next to that I have some encrusting montis higher up. Other corals are mixed lps/softie like some yumas, hammer brains and acans on the bottom. Any thoughts? Would one lamp cut it as the company advertises? And what are the thoughts on120 vs 90 degree optics? I assume with 1 lamp I should go with 120. BTW, the light will hang though not sure yet how high off the tank to set it. Thanks!

RO with pump works with ice maker?

I bought my brand new fridge in Nov 2014(fridgidaire), and wonder if the RO would work with ice maker? the manual says the minimum PSI should be 25psi, how much psi does my ispring RCC7P output? the RCC7P comes with a pump.

My icemaker also have a water dispenser, will it work too? (so that I can save the drill on my countertop)

Royal Gramma Temperament

According to LA they are peaceful

According to my LFS and FDB they can be quite aggressive

So which is it?

ut oh...looks like trouble!

I have to say that the past two months have not been kind....From maple sugaring equipment issues, clothes dryers to guessed it, fish tank issues.

I was doing my weekly water change and tank maintenance this past wed. and noticed a crack in the front glass panel right in the middle of the tank. I have no idea how this could have occurred, but it is there none the less. When I ran my fingernail across it on the inside of the tank, I could not feel it, but it most certainly is there and feels fairly substantial when dragging my fingernail across it on the front pane. I have marked it with sharpie to monitor for any growth, but as you can guess, I am worried of a failure and 90 gallons of saltwater, coral, fish and rock all over my basement floor. As such, a new tank is on order from my lfs.

The overflow options were corner, middle with megaflow (aqueon and marineland tanks) or an aqueon with no pre-installed overflow and the LFS owner will install a custom one. I have ruled out the factory corner option due to the only option being on the left rear corner and that is the first side you see of the tank when you enter the room. They do not offer the right rear corner option. The LFS owner also stated that the middle megaflow option is the most intrusive in the tank and could affect flow and limit some aquascape options. As such, I think I have decided on the custom option but need to decide on the right rear panel placement or more in the middle of the tank(Joel from the LFS stated that the custom overflow is not as intrusive in size as the pre-installed option). My question for anyone who may read this post is.....Is there any advantage to either efficiency of skimming or internal flow in the tank to having the overflow placed on the right side rear or having it placed more centrally in the tank?

I am very nervous about trying to catch my inhabitants in the existing 90 and then at the same time, excited about doing away with my hang on the back CPR overflow (removing the lifter pump and risk of failure of that type of siphon system). I have also been really thinking of simplifying my rockwork for a more open appearance to help get rid of some dead spots that have been difficult to address thus far.

I will have to decide on hole placement for the overflow by wednesday, so anyone that might have a thought on this would be greatly appreciated.

Need starting point help

Hi everyone,

We have a hole built into our wall for old CRT tv's. We would like to put a salt water tank there and custom frame up the hole to make it look really custom. I have several concerns, one being the weight of the tank. The opening is 48" wide and 32" high and about 2 - 2.5 ft deep. Surely it can support the weight of a filled tank being that those old tv's weighed a lot.

We need to have clearance on the sides and top for maintenance but we also don't want to go too small and regret it later. We would really love to have anemone, coral and a clown fish and blue tang. (I have two year old who loves Finding Nemo). I also love the idea of a colorful shrimp, horse shoe crab, small crabs, snails. Does anyone have suggestions on the following?

1. Reasonable tank size suggestions

2. Species that will work well together given the above

3. Can we fit all of that in 30 gallons or less? Should we go larger?

We have not purchased anything as we really don't know where to start but hopefully someone on here can help us get started. Thanks!


Hi everyone,

My husband and I recently bought a house that has an old cutout for a CRT tv above our gas fireplace. After months of staring at this hole and considering a fish tank we decided if we are going to do one we would like to do a reef tank. I had large freshwater tanks for years and am familiar with starting those and keeping them up but salt intimidates me. So glad to have found this forum!

Sump Insulation

Good morning everyone,

I have recently moved my sump into my basement. 30 gallon long tank. My basement is considerably cooler than the living area that my display is in. One thing I would like to accomplish is minimal heat loss. For convenience I do keep my heating elements in my sump.

This weekend I surrounded my sump with 1" foam board as well as put the foam piping insulation on my return, skimmer and overflow lines. I would like to consider covering the top of the sump as well as I have enough foam left over to do it. It wont be air tight as I will have to make room for piping and my night light, but i think I could get it 95% +- covered. I have some plastic covering that I could put around the foam so condensation would not seep and then leak who knows what back into the tank. My skimmer and overflow lines both generate aeration and my surface water on my display does get agitated so there should be O2 exchange there as well.

Anyone have any thoughts- suggestions? Something I haven't considered?

Ultimately the goal of the insulation is to keep the heaters from running all the time. I have noticed a difference in the amount of time my temp controller runs since the sump move.


Suggestions for a ph problem

I have a custom 22gal tank (imagine 20gal tall) that I have inserted into and old style radio that I house moon jellyfish in. Its bot a bare bottom however it has glass beads so they are inert and is why im posting here. I Have a 125 salt reef that has been going for 6 years with zero issues so this isn't my first tank.

I have 7 jelly fish smallest at one in largest at 2in

Prior to placing the jelly fish into the tank ph was 8.3 salinity 32ppt nitrates was at a 5 and this is post cycling of the tank. I have a probe style tester that was calibrated Saturday with the lil packets that came with it.

anyway my thought was since no live rocks and no sand I have no natural buffers besides what is in the salt mix. as of this morning the jelly fish are swimming and looking great they eat very well.

besides adding buffer not sure what else to do as the tank uses to a bubbler with a lift tube to create flow and I cant really add more bubbles to the tank. only thing that coms to mine is co2 levels have dropped the ph

sorry for the rambling just trying to give any info that may help and thanks

vivid fish tank and a perfect world

Realy hope i can have a fishtank like this again.with goldfish,coral and dolphin 4 led aquarium lights from in it.

RC89's New Tank

Hi all,

My wife and I are expecting our first baby in August and we are getting ready to set up the baby's room. We decided that we want to set up a small reef tank in the room as well. I'm extremely excited because I've been wanting to get back into the hobby for eight years now. I had two reef tanks while in high school, a custom built 20 gallon, and a 29 gallon cube. Both ran for about two years. Since then the hobby has grown so much and I am so excited about the possibilities now available. LED lighting has finally come around and is far superior, in my opinion, to MH, CF, or T5. Also, aqua controllers seem totally feasible with lower prices now. I remember spending over $500 on a simple wave maker that is now obsolete to controllers that cost $49. Anyways, here is my goal and plan:

A reef tank that is low maintenance/easy to maintain, safe for the baby room, clean, and simple. I am also aiming at integrating automated systems later on such as auto top off and an Apex.


JBJ 30 gallon rimless

Kessil 160W Controllable LED

Kessil Spectral controller

Reef Octopus BH90

Two Koralia power heads w/ hydor wave maker

Tunze ATO

Reef Buddy RO/DI


Reef Octopus BH90

Mechanical, carbon, phosphate pad, and chaeto in back of tank


Two Percula Clowns

Royal Gramma

Possibly a shrimp goby and shrimp

Possibly a red hawk fish

Possibly a pygmy angel

RBT Anemone


Soft, LPS, and SPS coral

I am not dead set on any of this just yet so let the suggestions fly. I am wanting to learn as much as possible. I'll be building the stand myself. I built the baby's furniture in the bedroom and want the stand to match and be impossible for the baby to pull over or be able to access any cords once she starts crawling around.

Thank you all so much for reading and leaving any suggestions or comments.


Stock for 20 litre/ 5G nano

Hey this is my first tank its a 20l nano, was just wondering if people had some stock ideas for critters/fish and corals thank you for the help

pMauz x


Hi all,

I used to be a member on this site when I was about 17, I'm 25 now and finally starting up another aquarium, I don't remember any of my old credentials though. I had two reef tanks when I was in high school but had to give up the hobby since I was moving around a lot in college and was broke. This website was a huge help then and I'm excited to be back again. The reef industry has changed so much in eight years it's incredible. Things used to be twice as expensive and now I can have a twice the system for nearly half of what my old setup cost. Anyways, I look forward to getting things going again and hopefully being a contributing member on this website. I'll be putting up a new thread to go over my plans for the new aquarium. Thanks!


dimanche 29 mars 2015

Starting out...

Hi all -

I'm new to the reefing business but I have discovered (what seems to be) a decent aquarium at my LFS. It's called the AquaOne AquaReef 275. It's a 73 gallon tank and it comes with skimmer, heaters, etc. I have researched into it and have heard some rather disconcerting stories! Has anyone had any experience with it? What would be best to stock it with?

Thanks! :fish:

Cần bán Bột dinh dưỡng BDD2, BDD4, PA, dùng hổ trợ tăng đạm, nâng đạm

Cần bán các loại Bột cao đạm 80% (dùng để hỗ trợ nâng đạm cho nguyên liệu thức ăn gia súc), với 3 màu sắc (vàng chanh, nâu nhạt và nâu đậm), có độ mịn cao và đồng nhất, có thể phối trộn với nhiều loại nguyên liệu và không cho ra màu thứ 3. Hàng không nhiễm Melanine và vi sinh vật gây hại.

Khách hàng có nhu cầu và cần thêm thông tin chi tiết về sản phẩm, xin vui lòng liên hệ: Tùng (0947 222 309)

Cung cấp trong phạm vi toàn quốc, số lượng lớn và sản lượng ổn định.

Rất mong nhận được sự hợp tác !

Tags: bột cao đạm, bột tăng đạm, bột hỗ trợ nâng đạm, bột đạm cao, bột 80 đạm, bột đạm 80, bột dinh dưỡng bdd2, bột dinh dưỡng bdd4

Missing scooter blenny ?

So I'm actually kinda freaked out. I'm trying to stay calm as I know it's a rookie mistake to freak out over missing fish or anything like that but I've never not seen my scooter for less than 2 seconds. He's ALWAYS doing something visible and never stays still ! He's healthy and fine he eats all the time and I was just looking at my tank and he was all puffed up. Now he's gone. He's been gone for like 1 hour and I haven't seen a sign of him. My tank isn't large And there's few places to hide. My watchman has a hard time being obstructed from view. There isn't anything in the tank that would kill him, I have a clown a watchman goby and the scooter. And they've been together for months. I know it sounds like I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill but I seriously love my scooter. Anyone else experience hiding scooter blennies?

Looking for an upgrade

Hey everyone,

So I want to start a new build to upgrade from my 25gl hangoff, to a 75gal overflow. I went to my local reef shop and found a tank that came with a wood stand and light (not led) but "reef ready" for $750. I want to know is there anywhere that you guys order things?... Stands, thanks, live rock.

Also, do you guys recommend a wood stand, or metal stands?


Just Starting


I have had freshwater tanks for a while and am now ready to finally set up a saltwater tank. I have been part of another forum but decided to join one focused on saltwater. My ten gallon is just about to wrap up its cycle and I ordered a clean up crew just a moment ago. For now it will be a FOWLR but will turn into a reef down the road. I will probably make a thread for this build and can't wait for all the new things I will learn. :goldfish:

10g CUC

Hi all

I have been a member of another forum but decided I wanted to join one dedicated to saltwater. I have had freshwater tanks for a while and have finally gone salty. I've been getting my tank cycled and I'm starting to work on my clean up crew. For now the tank is FOWLR with plans for a reef in the future. Here is my list so far:

2 Nassarius snails

2 Astraea snails

2 Cerith snails

2 Scarlet Hermits

2 Blue Legged Hermits (already have)

And probably a porcelain crab later on.

So let me know what you guys think. It's a 10 gallon by the way.

Thanks for the help guys!

New aquascapes. i want one.

Hey TRT!

I hope everyone is happy and healthy.

I have decided to make a new aquascape to

help my corals reach the light.

Could you guys pitch in with your ideas and

help me out?

Anything would be fine, but I do want it good looking :)


sump lighting?!

this is a link to my idea for underwater asthetic sump lighting. could it cause any harm? can the screws rust and leech out?

From 55 fresh to 10 and getting salty :O

Hi yall!

I'm new to saltwater. Have a 55gal discus tank running then ran across these nano reefs and had to have one! I love any advice you've got :)

This is my 10 gal nano. Started Mar10th out of an old QT.

Began stocking:

•Small 2 head frogspawn, has 2 new heads starting <3

•Mushroom thing

•Kenya tree

•Small cluster of zoas

•Candy Cane


•Monti Capricornis

*2 Nassarius Snail

*1 cerith snail

*2 astrea snails

*Peppermint Shrimp (This dude actually eats aiptasia!)

•need to get reef glue so I can put the candycane in a viewable angle

•remove the monti and zoas from the plug and glue down those and the acan

•Need to figure out what water circulation pump I want to get. Considering a jebao wp 10

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Question: When are fish most likely to jump?

Hi there,

So I am really interested in getting a Midas Blenny, but as it is well known they are very often jumpers. So, my question is: Is there a certain time when fish are more likely to jump? For example, when the lights are off or on, daytime vs nighttime higher salinity vs lower etc etc?

It would be interesting to know.

The reason I would like to know is because if I do get a Midas blenny, I will make a top to stop jumping. BUT, could I only have it on at night and not day. That way I could just use some corrugated plastic of some sort at night and have an open top daytime for display. This is how it works at the lfs I work at, but if something does jump like an eel staff are there to put it back in.

Any ideas welcome :)

Tank specs:

180 litre

Salinity 1.026

2 perc clowns

2 blue green chromis

Six line wrasse

African flame back angel

How much would you pay for this small colony

Got this for $20, the other day. Thought it was a pretty sweet deal, how much would it cost at your LFS?

Equipment and odds and ends

I have some equipment left over from breaking my tank down. Korilla 8 flow pumps, mag drive pumps, air pumps, pieces of acrylic, reactors, mag floats and odds and ends. I also have a brand new ecotech battery back up I bought right before breaking my tank down and never used it. Email me at pelagicmagic at aol dot com with your phone number and I will text photos and prices. I'm in St Augustine but not far from Jacksonville

Don't pm me as I am not checking this site often.

Looking to buy a tank 75-100 gallon with sump ect

Hi there guys, I have a 60 gallon tank, but I want to step up to a 75-100 gallons tank that is almost ready to go. I have been checking Craigslist and here but I figured it was time to post. Let me know what you have and the price you are asking. Thanks!

TDS creep inside the membrane house

I know that if water sits long enough within the RO housing, the TDS will shoot up as high as 100ppm, but my main concern is, are those PPM mainly dissolved various salts? like, no bacteria, or organic compound can be passed through the membrane, right? and so it is still better to drink the initial 1 minute high ppm water than straight tap water and it still filtered out those harmful organic compound and bacteria, right?

So in order further reducing the intake of those 100ppm salts, adding a DI unit can solve the problem, right?

Can someone clarify?

Show Me Your Lobo

show me your Lobo

Going bare- entire process and analysis of removing one's sand bed

After talking to Geoff, I finally decided to go bare-bottom (BB) in my 28 Gallon Nanocube. The purpose of this thread is to illustrate my process as well as document potential difficulties for other reefers who desire to lose their sand bed. This will also be good practice for my upcoming 650 gallon Starphire Reef, which will be bare bottom.

At the same time, I will be attempting to redo my aquascaping, as this was my first reef and it looks very artificial and lacks good spots for coral placement. Please recommend rock types and placement!


To gain more control over my aquarium by removing the sand bed


By going bare bottom, I will be able to reduce algae growth, facilitate easier cleaning, have a more modern look, and to have more control over the nutrient levels in my reef aquarium.

Possible challenges include:

  • Difficulties controlling nutrient levels during the process of sand removal

  • No quarantine tank available during the process (Besides a 3g pico :( )

  • My sump only gets 200 GPH through it

  • I still have not decided on a skimmer

Tentative Procedure:

  1. Remove all livestock (Corals) into the temporary rubbermaid container with powerhead, heater, fan, and AI Nano

  2. Remove all live rock for a three day "Cooking" in a dark trash can, with the new rock that will be purchased for additional aquascaping.

  3. Supplement water level, and install skimmer in the sump (and begin skimming).

  4. Vacuum out sand using 1/2 inch tubing

  5. Do an intense cleanup of the Display Tank, but leave the rear filtration and sump alone (To allow biological filtration).

  6. Figure out nice aquascaping for the tank, which will most likely involve 20lbs of Dry Pukani (BRS) as well as my current live rock

  7. After testing levels and assuring that no PO4 is leached by dry rock, put cleaner crew and four Green Chromis into the tank to get everything going and insure stability

  8. Put corals back into the tank, considering lighting as well as future growth

What do you think? I will hopefully order the dry rock today and get started some time next week. I am also considering converting from my Ocean Revive lighting to a Radion XR30W Pro with the high-spread optics, but do not wish to include another variable into this procedure.

I hope Geoff will be my guardian angel, watching over and making sure I don't screw anything up! :thumbup:

Along with Geoffs help, I will also be referring to the post "How to go Barebottom", which can be found on this site on the link

Powerhead for 105g

Hey everyone,

I'm super new and just trying to do as much research as I can whilst I slowly buy parts.

What powerhead flow should I use for a 105g marine reef tank? How many L or G per hour?

Any information would be much appreciated :)

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Sunday and brrrrrr

Good mawnin', TRT!

Coffee is ready. Hot chocolate, too. 28º here.

Scrambled eggs with cheese and English muffin bread toast. Nanners and oranges...

Off to church. We're supposed to walk around the church with a bagpipe player for Palm Sunday. Gonna be a cold one.

Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!

Những hiện tượng thiên nhiên kỳ lạ

1. Mặt trời giả

Mặt trời giả là hiện tượng lạ khi xuất hiện hai, ba hay nhiều “Mặt trời” xuất hiện cùng lúc, chỉ có 1 Mặt trời thật còn lại là hư ảo được gọi Mặt trời giả. Mặt trời thật sáng hơn các Mặt trời giả. Hiện tượng mày thường diễn ra lúc mặt trời ở gần chân trời, Mặt trời giả là các vùng sáng ở rìa.

Những hiện tượng kỳ lạ xuất hiện trên bầu trời

Mặt trời giả là hiện tượng lạ thu hút sự chú ý của nhiều người

Hiện tượng thiên văn này tuy hiếm nhưng không thần bí vì đều là những hiện tượng quang học bình thường, do sự khúc xạ ánh sáng của các tinh thể bụi đá trong các đám mây ở trên cao tạo nên.

2. Hiện tượng lạ về cầu vồng ‘sinh đôi’

Cầu vồng "sinh đôi" là hiện tượng hiếm gặp, chúng có chung gốc nhưng lại tách thành 2 cung vòng riêng biệt. Bí ẩn của hiện tượng nằm ở sự kết hợp của các giọt nước với kích cỡ khác nhau. Đôi khi, hai cơn mưa rào xảy ra cùng một lúc.

Những hiện tượng kỳ lạ xuất hiện trên bầu trời

Hiện tượng lạ này mang lại vẻ đẹp hiếm có trên bầu trời

Khi đó, các hạt mưa sẽ có kích cỡ khác nhau và tạo ra các cầu vồng hơi biến dạng. Những cầu vồng này kết hợp sẽ tạo thành cầu vồng sinh đôi.

3. Hiện tượng ‘chớp Catatumbo’

Vào buổi tối tại cửa sông Catatumbo, Venezuela, bầu trời thường xuất hiện khoảng 150 – 200 ánh chớp mỗi phút nhưng hầu như không có tiếng sấm đi kèm. Giới khoa học gọi đây là hiện tượng “chớp Catatumbo” hay “lò sản xuất ozone” lớn nhất thế giới.

Những hiện tượng kỳ lạ xuất hiện trên bầu trời

Hiện tượng lạ ở Venezuela gây không ít bất ngờ cho giới khoa học

Chúng được hình thành do khí ozone (O3) liên tục được sản sinh do tương tác của tia chớp với oxy trong khí quyển, do sự tiếp xúc của các khối khí lạnh từ dãy Andes với không khí nóng ẩm từ khu vực hồ lân cận. Ước tính hiện tượng này xảy ra khoảng 150 đêm/năm, xuất hiện nhiều nhất khi độ ẩm môi trường lên cao

samedi 28 mars 2015

Starting big - New to tanks and going for a reef!

Hi all!

My name is Carly, I live in the Australian Capital and I'm 24 years old. We currently have 3 dogs and 2 parrots - we're the crazy animal family!

I actually can't remember what it was that sparked my interested in reef tanks but it only happened a few weeks ago. Since that moment I've been obsessing over them and trying to learn as much as I can.

I decided that I didn't want to start small as I would almost certainly end up upgrading within the first year, so I've just been down to my local shop "Jem Aquatics" and put a deposit on an Aqua Reef 400 (105 gallon tank).

I think many of you are pretty familiar with this set up, but it comes with just about everything (including a premade sump).

My partner is all for our local store and getting advice from them (they were pretty fantastic!), but I like to shop around for my advice by cruising forums.

For example, my partner wants to leave the bio balls in the sump pending what the sales guy says, but since we're going to be using live rock... I want to take them out.

The tank is supposed to be a joint venture for us as a couple but I can quickly see myself taking over - oops!

Once we have our tank set up and cycling, I'll be on here an awful lot to find out what sorts of fish I can have and in what combinations etc.

I'm really looking forward to immersing myself in this community and learning as much as I can! Any and all advice is appreciated :)


Random Question - Strictly running on blue/actinic lighting..?

Hows it going TRT'ers,

I was curious what the advantages/disadvantages and benefits/consequences of running and fish and coral tank solely on blue and actinic lighting...

The only thing i can think of is that without white light there may be a negative impact on algal growth, but other than that i cant foresee any other impacts..

Appreciate it,


WTB: Cheap Heater

I need a cheap heater to heat my water change water. I buy my water from my LFS and it is stored at room temp, and I always have a two or three degree drop when changing water. Never has been a problem but I recently purchased a few delicate critters so I would like to not have to worry about it anymore. Let me know, thanks.

Hydrogen Sulfide?

Tank Specs:

16 Gallon Bow Front

Ammonia = 0

Nitrite = 0

Nitrate = 10

So, I decided to re-aquascape my tank today and I made a startling discovery. I'm still really new to everything and think I may have a slight problem. When I moved the largest piece of rock that I have, the edge was buried in the sand about 1.5 inches. As soon as I moved it I noticed the edge was dark grey in color and had the smell of sulfur. I immediately pulled it from the tank and put it in the bucket of old tank water from my water change. I was leery earlier that there I possibly could have a problem due to a lack surface agitation to keep everything adequately oxygenated... but up until now, I really was unsure since the pair of fish that I have are doing well along with all my CuC. Anyways, I immediately started researching and have come to the conclusion that I possibly have a hydrogen sulfide issue due to a possible lack of oxygen.

Here is what I have done:

I immediately repositioned my power head so that I am getting a lot of surface agitation and finished up with a 25% water change this evening. The rock is now bleached really white where it was under the sand and is in a bucket with a heater and power head. I do not have a QT tank for my lone pair of fire fish but they seem to be un affected with all of my CuC.

So my question is, what do I do now? When I put the rock back in, should I just lay it on top of the sand instead of seating it down? If I do that, How to I make sure that the rock isn't unstable?

Thanks for the help!


Ceiling Hang - LED Placement (Kessil)

Hi Folks,

I'm hanging 3 Kessil A360W over my 210-gallon (72" long). How high off the water do you suggest I place them... 6" ? 8" ? A foot?

The tank is 30" deep.

Thanks a bunch!!!

your opinion

Hi all! I'm fairly new to the reef thing and I was recently told my anemone is bleached. He came like this from my LFS. My tank is about 6 months old and I've had the anemone for about 3 weeks. Other than the bleaching I'd like your opinion(s) on his overall appearance. His tentacles are full and inflated and only closes up at night. He takes food readily and doesn't wander. I feed him raw shrimp and feeder goldfish once or twice a week. Should I increase feeding until the bleaching issue is resolved? This is my first anemone so I'm sorry if my questions seem a bit novice.

Tank parameters are -

SG - 1.025

Temp - 76-78

pH - 8.2

NH - 0

NO2 - 0

NO3 - 5ppm (water change due tomorrow)

PO - 0

Lighting is 1 actinic and 1 10,000k HO for 6 - 8hrs per day

I'm told I need stronger lighting for this particular anemone but he's actually set up camp in an area with less direct light exposure and seems happy there. Is this a sign of something? Would changing out the actinic bulb for another 10000k be sufficient? Should I aim higher?

44 gallon pentagon sump?

Hello, I am new here and will be setting up a 44 gallon pentagon tank. Was thinking of just using an aqua c remora hob protein skimmer with some power heads because there is not much room under the tank for a sump. I will be using the reef breeders led lighting for this tank also. Any thoughts on this set up would be great

Gold Bar Maroon Clownfish

Currently I'm planning on two Oc. Clowns but every time I see a gold bar at the LFS I want one.

I know Maroon clowns can mean and I don't want it killing another fish but some have said that gold bars are not as aggressive. Anyone have any experience with them?

I'd be OK with getting just one as long as they would leave the other fish alone; ideally I'd like two but that isn't a must.

Help,return pump

Is there anyone close by me who has a return pump i can borrow. My return pump went out yesterday, and i went to hook up my brand new quite one 6000 and its defective. Any size will work tempory.Let me know as soon as possible. Its a sps tank

What fish can I add?

I have a 55 gallon reef tank with a yellow tang and a foxface. What else can I add? Want to get a couple of clownfish but not sure if the others will be nice to them. Any help is appreciated.

Should have bought that anenome...or not

So was at my LFS looking for something new. Lots of choices, he's always got great coral. passed on a beautiful green bubble tip anenome with a nice pink foot and it was attached to a piece of pvc pipe so easy to grab. Was only $36 too. But I told myself tank was too young and they're too unpredictable with moving around and stinging corals. Boo. But I did get a nice favia frag and alveopora though

Split BTA


I've had a rose bubble tip anemone for about two years now and it is the host of a pair of true perculas. The anemone has gotten very big over time and I always wondered why it never split. Today, at last, it has.

The clowns are just as surprised as I am! (Sorry about the excessive algae. It's actually on the decline now.)

There's definitely a foot on both halves.

Is the clone likely to wander away from its parent or would it stay in the same area? And should I keep both or sell one to the LFS?

It's strange, this morning I woke up to one big anemone and now there's two smaller ones. Still, at least the clownfish won't squabble over who's sleeping where anymore. :thumbup:

Does anyone know what this is?

Hello everyone, i'm brand new to reefing and have set up a nano reef yesterday, It has some live sand and live rock and that is all at the moment as it is cycling naturally, this afternoon now the sand has settled I noticed two tiny things moving about and I was wondering if any of you more experienced reefers could help me with even an idea of what they might be, thank you for any help

pMauz x

Possible to get clear pics on iPhone?

Hey, I only have an iPhone available to take pics, has anyone got any tips for making them more focused and clear especially for photos of tiny details as my tank is a nano, Thank you

pMauz x

Silicates in 0 tds water?

Hey guys, i've gotten conflicting answers from the google so I thought I would ask here. Can 0 tds rodi still have silicates? I've been battling diatoms since the tank was setup over a year ago and even if I scrub/siphon everything weekly with a toothbrush it just comes right back and is a thick dark brown coating over the rocks anywhere that the light hits.

If I flip a rock over its nice and white on the bottom, for a week or two before it gets covered so I'm assuming that I'm somehow introducing silicates into the system.

I just ordered a test kit for silicates, but I'm not sure how accurate a hobby kit for that will be.

Hello, New to the forum, new to reefing

Hi, im new here just set up my first reef aquarium yesterday, its a nano 19L tank so far it just has live sand and 2kg of live rock, a skimmer and heater, am hoping to cycle it naturally and will be taking regular water samples to my local aquatics shop in the mean time, cant wait to add more to it when its ready!


Maximum Flow for Happy Seahorse

I was thinking about adding a seahorse to my soft coral nanocube, but am worried that there is WAY too much flow!

I have two MJ 1200's, a MP10, and the sumps return.... No chance for a seahorse- right?

The sump runs pretty slow, theoretically I could put one in the refugium, but then.... i can't see it!

Advice? Im pretty sure its a No-No, but just checking :):rotflmao::rotflmao:

Shrimp hell- why?

I cannot keep ANY shrimp alive for over three days!

All my parameters (Nitrate, ammonia, nitrite, phosphate, calcium, salinity, temperature) are great and all my corals are fine! :doh:

I have tried (two months apart) a coral banded shrimp, Fire Shrimp, and two peppermint shrimp, only to have them die within days!:bawling::bawling:

I definitely do not want to get another until I have an idea as to what I am dealing with- suggestions? :confused::confused::confused::confused:

(Nanocube 29)

Browning Montipora- why?

Any idea to why my Montipora is brown in the center? It was like that a month ago when I bought it (Cheap!), but I thought it would be better by now.

What is browning caused by? I don't believe I have any pests, so could it be excessive/inadequate lighting?

It is extended, but I am still worried. (I will take it off the frag rack soon, this was just temporary acclimation) (I slowly move it higher toward the lighting)

(The Montipora on the Left)

P.S: Can someone ID this monty? I have no clue what it is....

Do you think I can get a Clam?

Hey Everyone-

I was reading up on everything clam here on TRT, and was wondering if you think my tank is mature enough to get one!

A few details:

Tank: Nanocube 29 with 10g custom sump

Lighting: Ocean Revive T206 (LED)

Filteration: Live Rock, Rear Media Rack, bioballs in sump, fine filter floss in sump, chaeto in sump.

  • Age: A bit under a year

  • Temperature: 78-80

  • Salinity: 1.026

  • Nitrate: 0

  • Nitrite: 0

  • Ammonia: 0

  • Calcium: 460

  • Magnesium: Unknown


Monthly 5g water change w. new floss and washed media.

Alternate days with a squirt of Kent A&B

Its been a pretty low maintenance tank- no drama besides a successful fight with cyanobacteria (WAR )

I have never kept a Clam before, and was wondering what requirements this non-kosher creature has!

At the LFS(s) they have all sorts of beauties- maximas, croteas, and more.

Am I better off getting a small 1-2 inch clam, or are the larger 3-4 inch ones hardier? Any advice?

Thanks! (Attached are some random pictures so you get an idea of my tank)

livestock order

As long as nothing in my schedule changes, I am planning an picking up order for livestock on Wednesday. If anyone in the rochester area wants something pm me with your list and your phone number. Fish and coral would need to picked up wed afternoon/evening. They have salt and freshwater fish. I could probably hold cuc for a day or two if needed.

I think my nem ate my damsel

I woke up this morning and about an hour later realized I was missing one of my residents. My blue damsel is missing. He decided to make his cave beside the nem shortly after I got the nem last week. It's a condy nem. This morning I noticed my nem was closed up like it was eating. I think I know what he ate. Should I do anything? Water change? I haven't tested anything yet so I don't know if anything is up. Should I worry?

Petco $1 a gallon sale March29- april 2

Like title says I was in petco get some crickets my sons chameleon and saw a bunch of 40 breeder tanks piled up and they had tons more fish in there tanks. So when I rang out asked if they where gettng ready for another $1 a gallon sale. Sure nuff she handed me the mini flyer March29- April 2. And then 3 days in april they are having 30% off all fish

Just wanted to let everyone know.*


Hi guys! I should start out by telling you I've kept aquariums off and on (mostly on) for about 20 years. I started with a goldfish I won at a travelling carnival when I was 6 and have been hooked ever since. I tried my hand at discus a few years ago and failed miserably. Before then I had kept fairly hardy fish and hadn't learned the importance of careful, CAREFUL inspection of specimen before bringing them home and inadvertently introduced a sick discus to my otherwise thriving tank. Based on my research I believe it was discus plague. Unfortunately I didn't treat it in time and lost my stock. At $80+ per fish it scarred me for life. I had been thinking about trying saltwater for a long time, but after my discus fiasco I decided it just wasn't for me.

After a couple years I started looking into saltwater again. There are so many unique life forms and vibrant colors you simply can't get with freshwater fish. I decided to bite the bullet and take the plunge and set up my first reef tank and so far I LOVE it. I catch myself staring at it constantly.

Here are the specs -

40 gallon with about 30lbs of live rock

2 ocellaris clownfish

1 lawnmower blenny

1 green mandarin

1 coral banded shrimp

1 emerald crab

Blue legged hermits

Nerite snails

Bumble bee snails

1 purple tip anemone

Pulsing Xenias

Zooanthus polyps

Kenya tree

Blue mushrooms

Green star polyps

Lighting is 1 actinic and 1 10,000k HO and blue LEDs for night.

I use a HOB filter with filter floss and PhosGuard and filled with LR rubble.

I have a Lee's protein skimmer and a 240gph power head.

Though I consider myself an expert aquarist I'm still new to the saltwater game and I'm really looking forward to picking up on all the info this forum has to offer!

Lost rights

I changed my email address in my settings and now can't post in the club Northeast Florida Marine Aquarium thread.

Can someone fix it?

Feeding Algae Eaters

So I know most everyone here uses nori to feed their algae eaters their much needed veggies. However, leaving nori in the tank for extended periods adds to nutrients and other issues. I've done the leave it in for a bit and take it out, but it often turns to mush quick and escapes my collection. Or in my most recent case, my cleaner shrimp goes to it immediately and shreds the dickens out of it.

So I ordered this, It probably isn't as good as nori or other seaweed but it is easier to control. What do you all think about this as an appropriate algae source for our algae eating fish?

vendredi 27 mars 2015

Sunshiny Saturday

Wow going to hit 76 today. Hopefully some furious progress will be made on the greenhouse. The floor and some other framing is going in.

Enjoy your Saturday everyone! Coffee is on, but only non-chewy packaged bagels sorry to say.

New led lights!

hey guys,

so I just put on some new led lights the other day. yehaw. Two AI Hydras. It's a 90 gallon tank that is about 1.5 years old. I came from t5 lights so I have one major question... I currently have mainly sps, monti digi, few monti caps, stylophora, green birdsnest, pink birdsnest, and (not a coral) maxima clam. The rest are zoas and lps which will probably be getting swapped out for sps. I will hopefully be getting some acros soon. So with that said, lights are currently on 45% (white is on 40% all the other colors blue etc etc are on 45%) with coral acclimation on... which I have set to reduce the lights by 50% (so the colored lights are on 23% right now with the whites on 20%). I have that set for two weeks for 12 hours a day. Questions:

1. Is this a good starting setting?

2. What should my color settings be? I've seen some people with some REALLY blue tanks.

3. As far as light output... what should the end result percentage be?

I hope these made at least some sense... I had a hard time putting question three into words. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

What do you dip new corals in?

Hello all!

Allot has changed since I was in this hobby, but I don't want red bugs, I don't want Monti eating nudies, and I really don't want acro flatworms, or even regular flatworms.

What are the current dips that people put their new corals through before they go in the display to keep them free of such pests?

I'd like to stock up before I start thinking about corals.

Thank you!


Stocking plans for 90 gallons

Hello everyone I am in the process of planing my stock list list a head of time here is what I been looking at


1 sand sifter gobby

1 yellow head jawfish

1 purple tang or a yellow tang as the center piece fish

2 clowns one black one orange

1 royal gramma

1 flame angel

1 blue yellow tail damsel

1 firefish


1 cleaner shrimp

1 cherry shrimp

8 hermit crabs

2 starfish one being a sand sifter

a large assortment of snails

If anyone can see any potential problems with the list like overstocking compatibility or if anyone has suggestions on something to consider would be great.

Pumping from Basement to DT Upstairs

I am considering upgrading to a larger tank down the road which will require me to pump water from a storage container in the basement up to my DT for water changes (I won't be willing to haul that much in buckets). I have been researching pumps and I am going to measure the head height to see what my options are, however I had a question which may or may not be stupid ;-)

If the pump is in the bottom of a Brute container, and I have it pump through a hose over the side of the brute and onto the ground, then up the stairs, and to the tank, do I count the head height of the brute container? The reason is that it will go over the edge and down to the floor, and then up the stairs. What I am wondering is if I need to account for the head height of the brute, the stairs, and also the distance to the top of the sump or wherever I am filling, or just the head height of the stairs and the head height to the fill point. Since gravity over the edge of the brute will create a siphon effect (I think?) does it offset the head pressure pushing the water over that edge?

Standard 29g, first Saltwater Tank

Just wanted to get the specs in one thread


Standard glass 29g 30.25” x 12.5” x 18.75”

Basic canopy LED lighting (approx 6-8 watts est.)

EHEIM Jager Aquarium Thermostat Heater 150W

2x Hydor Koralia Nano 425 Aquarium Circulation Pump 425 GPH

ATC Refractometer

LR was given to me but guessing about 40-50lbs

Using Instant Ocean Salt

RO/DI water

Tank is currently cycling

Anticipated stocking in order:

Royal Gramma

2x Oc. Clowns

Court Jester goby (once tank has matured)

Undecided on invertebrates

No corals anticipated at this point, will wait 6-12 months and decide if I want to switch to a reef tank.

Just after aquascaping, tank is clear now.

Frag Corals Like a Pro


Building a frag tank is a fun and rewarding way to keep evolving in the hobby!

Lights for a refugium

I have found the following lights and was wondering if these would be good enough for the refugium?

Also how long after I start my cycling on the dt and refugium when should I turn on the lights on the both systems. Getting real close to filling up the tank, like this Sunday can't wait, miss having my 90gl from 08.

T.G.I.F. and the coffee is ready!

Good morning all!

Coffee is ready,

Little cooler but will warm up and be a great weekend.

Kristine gets home tonight, then next Friday we start our vacation. Counting down.

Have a Great day

jeudi 26 mars 2015


Want to learn something and sharing something.tha;s my ambition.

Should I measure TDS before or after salt is added?

hey guys, me again.

so, I have my tank full of RO/DI water. I have my salt, however I don't have my tds meter yet (its coming in tomorrow). I wanted to take a tds reading, but was debating on whether or not to wait to add the salt AFTER I get my meter or afterwards.

in other words, will my TDS meter give me an inaccurate reading if I put my salt in. I know logic says that it will (because salt is, after all, a dissolves solid), but I'm just making sure is all.

thank you all again!

Dying Zoas? I'm not sure.....

Hey everyone please give this a look, I've had these zoas for almost 1 month now and I've moved them all over the tank and they look terrible they half way open and they're color doesn't look very good, everything else in my tank looks great!! What should I do?

Reef Geek is in The House!

I really am!

I hope I meet some really great people!

Can't wait to meet everyone

I'm very excited to be here!

I'm very excited to be here!

I'm new at all this!

I'm new at all this!


Hello how is everyone?!

Sump Design Question

I am redesigning the sump for my new 120g tank. The previous ran a fuge on the right side of the sump and I don't use a fuge, so... I am debating between a two or three chamber sump. First section drain, second section skimmer/ heater/ probes, third section return/ ATO. Or just having a drain/ skimmer and then a return. My question is on the baffle height. My skimmer needs to be in 6" of water. I have the following sections of glass that I removed from the sump. One 6" piece, One 7" piece, one 8" piece and 2 12" pieces. Using the three chamber design, which baffles determine water height? Figuring that the drain section will be- over/under/over baffles into the skimmer section then over under into the return section. How do I maintain a 6" water level in the drain section?

I hope this makes sense to yall....

LSF in Korea

Hi I am relocating to Seoul, South Korea and looking for LSF that specializes in Salt Water Fish and Coral. If you know of any please provide name, location, and phone number. Thx

New lights

I'm currently looking for a new light for my 40 gallon sps tank. The tank is coming up on a year old and I currently have a max spect razor. I just want to know what would be the absolute best light. I love LEDs and I know they aren't perfect for sps, but I kind if want a fixture that looks nice. The led I was looking at was the xr30 gen3 pro. I've never done t5's or metal halides before and I'm worried that my tank would get a hot with them and that my electric bill would be insane. I like the ghl madras light also but I can't find anything out about it really. I'm also looking at the new kessil ap 700. From everything I've read the radion, although expensive, is probably my best bet. Does anyone have any suggestions?

My tank by the way is an innovative marine 40 fusion. I'm using the cad lights pls50 skimmer, smart ato, ghl doser, and max spect razor 120. I should have gotten a tank with a sump but I couldn't afford one with the size tank I wanted to go with. I know my tank is young but I've had some alright growth in my sps so far, but I really would like to get a nicer light. This is only the second tank I've ever taken care of on my own. The only sps I have so far are as follows:


Ora red planet

Ora joe the coral

Ora stuber staghorn

Ora ponape birds nest

Red stylophora

Two green things that I don't know what they are one I think is a cap

And what I believe is a red monitipora, but I don't know because it really hasn't grown at all for some reason

Rainbow milli

And I hope to add a green slimmer if I can find one

My parameters are as follows

Ca: 450 ppm

Alk: 9 ppm

Mg: 1360 ppm

Ph: 8.1

Ammonium: 0 ppm

Nitrite: 0 ppm

Nitrate: 0 ppm

Test used: salifert

upgrade advice pls

I have a 10 gal tank. I just got a 30 gal to make a slight upgrade. My question/dilemma is this. I have to take down my 10 gal to put the 30 in its place. Right now all that's in my 10 gal is live rock & a crab & snail. I have a 5 gal that I was planning on filling with the water from my 10 gal & then just transferring the critters right over. Should I take the remaining water & sand from 10gal & put it in the 30 gal to give it a kick start to cycling?

Thanks for the input!

Tank update (watchman goby version)

So two new things. I finally got the watchman to come out and he is gorgeous lol, and I reaquascaped again. The old one was wobbly and eh. I'm trying a simplistic design now tell me your thoughts. And also the watchman hasn't been eating, or at least I haven't seen him eat he's so sneaky.

And also, what would be a good clean up crew for a 30 gallon. I have currently 2 nasassris snails, 2 astrea snails, 1 scarlet hermit, 1 Halloween hermit, 1 blue legged hermit and I know both the goby and Benny pick at stuff. I read somewhere something like 30 blue legged hermits, 10 Scarlets 10 astreas and 2 emerald crabs. Thoughts ?

Sump size

So I have a question...would it be appropriate to use an Aqueon pro flex 2, approx 17 gallon, sump for a 100 gallon tank? Their website says it's rated for a 75 gallon.

Sump in a pinch.

To recap a little, bought a used 55g with stand and stuff. The stuff part included a CPR192 sump system a little smaller than this one

Anyway, the 1300 gph pump that came with it was way to noisy and I threw in the towel with it. I went with a canister temporarily and a Remora S HOB skimmer. Long story short, dont like the skimmer and now I am trying to figure out new options.

I purchased a DCT8000 pump however, there really isnt a lot of room for it in this sump, even with the CPR inside a 20g tall tank which it resides in.

Here is what I am leaning towards, tell me if I am going in the wrong direction. Basically, eliminating the CPR and going with simply the 20g tank as a "larger" sump, however, it is un-divided into compartments. Basically get a hang on filter sock for the overflow box hose to hang into and stick the pump n the tank with two 1" returns. Additionally, look for a skimmer to sit in the 20g tank as well since the skimmer that came with the CPR has an integrated base (adhered to the CPR.) Any suggestions would be welcome.


which algae maintenace to use?

Best idea for algae prevention/maintenance?...

1) Good sized Cleaner crews, just let them do their thing and eat it all?

2) UV sterilizer, kill it with light before it happens?

3) API's Algeafix liquid solution, kill it after it happens?

Round white colored things on live rock

Hello, long time lurker, first time poster. I have noticed a few of these on my live rock, I'm 90% sure that they were not always there. Tank has been up and running for about 4+ months. Can anyone please help me identify these.

Thanks in advance,


lighting advice, 90 gal.

Long story short, came home other day to my 46 gal leaking, replaced it with a new 90 gallon. My question is lighting, I was running a 24" marineland superbright reef led with built in timer, would picking up a second of the same light be sufficient for most any corals (softiez, lps, sps), or should I upgrade to something better and any recomendations?

Aqua Illumination - Prime

Anyone thinking of trying this?

Would this work for a 29g? 30w x 12.5d x 18h Or is it more for a biocube?

Seems like the AI lights use better LED's than the more budget ones but also cost more which is expected.

For somewhat similar money this provides more light but is lacking in features.

CREE vs. Bridgelux

What do I need for a 220 Predetor tank?

I already have the tank setup and going. I have a zebra eel, 2 lionfish, 2 dragon wrasse, carpet anemone, tube anemone, black spine urchin and a pencil urchin. I have enough power heads and light, I have a good skimmer and pumps. But what else do I need, a GFO & Carbon reactor, calcium reactor, Bio pellet reactor???? Or anything else

Help with Dragon Wrasse!

I have had a dragon wrasse for over a year and a half and it is the most hardiest fish I have had. But anytime I do anything in the tank I wont see him for days. I bought another dragon wrasse about a month ago and it has been good. But the other day I added an eel and my new dragon wrasse has been lying in the live rock (about a 2" hole in the rock that leads to the sand) So he is just lying on top of the sand inside the rock. I can see him and see that he is alive, he changes position but has been lying there for 2 days now. I wonder if my sand is too heavy for him to burry himself? most of the sand is crushed coral. The fish is 1 1/2 - 2 inchs long. I have a 220 gallon tank, ammonia-0, nitrate-0, nitrite-0, ph-8.2, salinity-1.028. The other thing is I started having green hair algae, and I saw him swimming though it over and over again. ANY IDEAS!


Hello everyone,

New to this forum, but not new to the hobby. I have been in and out of the hobby over the last 20 years, but yet still trying to learn to do things correctly. I'm sure as many agree its a never ending challenge.

As some of you get to know me you will find that I am big on DIY. If I can make something that achieves the same functionality less expensive than what I can buy I will. Sometimes they don't always work out, sometimes I get bashed for even trying, but its how I have learned most everything though out my life. Keeping that in mind I do try to give my livestock the best environment I can.

I currently have a 90 gallon reef with various corals and fish, 6 bulb T5 lighting, and a 30 gallon sump that needs work. The tank it self is fairly new with in the last two years, but the livestock is not. It came from a tear down from someone else that had the system going for about 6 years. Sump included. I have recently read the rather lengthy "Refugium" discussion thread here and have come to realize I have some work to do and some changes to make. I have lots of related questions that I will eventually post in the more appropriate areas.

The most recent change I have made was to move my entire sump down to my basement. I honestly haven't decided if this was a mistake or not - but its there now. Of the many reasons I wanted to do this one was strictly realizing that I need to work with it some more and living directly under my tank stand i just did not have to room to get done what I want.

So there's my story in a nut shell....

HDPE Thickness? For BB tank?

I want to put a sheet of HDPE down in my 220g tank however I have a few questions.

1.) I dont know how thick of a sheet I need in order to prevent it from warping.

2.) How do I cut it? I will need to cut the overflows out of the corners do I just use a jigsaw?

Rio 125 conversion or Fluval M90?

Hi All.

First post on here and looking for some opinions.

Back story - Freshwater for around 3 years now, currently running the Rio 180.

Now I have an smaller empty alcove and really want to start a saltwater tank - FOWLR. I have done endless hours of reading forums so have the basic knowledge now (I think).

Going to buy the tank this weekend but still haven't decided on a RIO 125 conversion or the all in Fluval M90. The fluval is appealing to me more as it has everything I need in one box (although not as good individual components).

What do people think of the 2 tanks in question?




Traveling Thursday

Flying to Boston this morning. Got up extra early to drive to Denver, park, take the shuttle and go through Security. Didn't want to forget anything.

Put the coffee on.

Maroon Clownfish: one not eating

Well i got a pair of gold stripes about a week ago to center my 70 gallon around. two beautiful little fish, one slightly bigger than the other, both being right around 2.5 inches. I obtained the pair form the same fish store, housed next to eachother, but in separate tanks. So as expected when added to my tank the larger one picked on and nipped at the smaller ones fins for the first couple of days. Luckily that has ended and there seems to be no more fighting.

The smaller fish has started to hide in the tank in a rock structure away from the larger fish. I will occasionally see the larger fish with the smaller fish but not very often.

The problem that i have is that i have yet to see the smaller fish eat. Is this normal when maroons are establishing dominance in a new tank? Should i be worried? The larger fish eats like a champ along with the few other fish in the tank. I have some experience with ocellaris clowns but have never had this problem. Looking for some of you experienced maroon lovers to give me some helpful advice.

Thanks in advanced
