mardi 31 mars 2015

Lighting options

Ok, so I have been out of the hobby for a few years after coming back from vacation and finding that the person who was to take care of my tank didnt. I came back to a dead system due to the sump running dry and tank overheating. It bummed me out too much to rebuild after the amount of time that went into it.

Anyhow, the infection has resurfaced and I am once again planning another tank...or starting to.

Previously I had MH and at thew time LED was still somewhat new.

What are opinions between the two? This will be a large, maybe 400 gallon, SPS dominant system.

I like the idea of LED as the MH generated a great deal of heat and sucked up a good amount of power.

Id like to especially hear from folks who have used both but any and all opinions are welcome!:blob:

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