lundi 30 mars 2015

reef breeders led for 40 breeder

Hello TRT. I would like your input on a new light I am thinking about for my 40 breeder mixed. Curently I run an older 5x39 watt aquatinix atx T5HO light. I like the light but the bulbs are expensive to buy every year and the lamp is getting a bit old. I was thinking of picking up one of these reef breeder 120 watt led with 120 optics:

Ive read a lot of good reviews about these as a decent budget level led. My tank is set up so I have some sps in the middle about 1/4 depth including 2 types of stylophora and a birds nest. next to that I have some encrusting montis higher up. Other corals are mixed lps/softie like some yumas, hammer brains and acans on the bottom. Any thoughts? Would one lamp cut it as the company advertises? And what are the thoughts on120 vs 90 degree optics? I assume with 1 lamp I should go with 120. BTW, the light will hang though not sure yet how high off the tank to set it. Thanks!

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