lundi 30 mars 2015

RC89's New Tank

Hi all,

My wife and I are expecting our first baby in August and we are getting ready to set up the baby's room. We decided that we want to set up a small reef tank in the room as well. I'm extremely excited because I've been wanting to get back into the hobby for eight years now. I had two reef tanks while in high school, a custom built 20 gallon, and a 29 gallon cube. Both ran for about two years. Since then the hobby has grown so much and I am so excited about the possibilities now available. LED lighting has finally come around and is far superior, in my opinion, to MH, CF, or T5. Also, aqua controllers seem totally feasible with lower prices now. I remember spending over $500 on a simple wave maker that is now obsolete to controllers that cost $49. Anyways, here is my goal and plan:

A reef tank that is low maintenance/easy to maintain, safe for the baby room, clean, and simple. I am also aiming at integrating automated systems later on such as auto top off and an Apex.


JBJ 30 gallon rimless

Kessil 160W Controllable LED

Kessil Spectral controller

Reef Octopus BH90

Two Koralia power heads w/ hydor wave maker

Tunze ATO

Reef Buddy RO/DI


Reef Octopus BH90

Mechanical, carbon, phosphate pad, and chaeto in back of tank


Two Percula Clowns

Royal Gramma

Possibly a shrimp goby and shrimp

Possibly a red hawk fish

Possibly a pygmy angel

RBT Anemone


Soft, LPS, and SPS coral

I am not dead set on any of this just yet so let the suggestions fly. I am wanting to learn as much as possible. I'll be building the stand myself. I built the baby's furniture in the bedroom and want the stand to match and be impossible for the baby to pull over or be able to access any cords once she starts crawling around.

Thank you all so much for reading and leaving any suggestions or comments.


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