vendredi 27 mars 2015

Pumping from Basement to DT Upstairs

I am considering upgrading to a larger tank down the road which will require me to pump water from a storage container in the basement up to my DT for water changes (I won't be willing to haul that much in buckets). I have been researching pumps and I am going to measure the head height to see what my options are, however I had a question which may or may not be stupid ;-)

If the pump is in the bottom of a Brute container, and I have it pump through a hose over the side of the brute and onto the ground, then up the stairs, and to the tank, do I count the head height of the brute container? The reason is that it will go over the edge and down to the floor, and then up the stairs. What I am wondering is if I need to account for the head height of the brute, the stairs, and also the distance to the top of the sump or wherever I am filling, or just the head height of the stairs and the head height to the fill point. Since gravity over the edge of the brute will create a siphon effect (I think?) does it offset the head pressure pushing the water over that edge?

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