lundi 30 mars 2015

ut oh...looks like trouble!

I have to say that the past two months have not been kind....From maple sugaring equipment issues, clothes dryers to guessed it, fish tank issues.

I was doing my weekly water change and tank maintenance this past wed. and noticed a crack in the front glass panel right in the middle of the tank. I have no idea how this could have occurred, but it is there none the less. When I ran my fingernail across it on the inside of the tank, I could not feel it, but it most certainly is there and feels fairly substantial when dragging my fingernail across it on the front pane. I have marked it with sharpie to monitor for any growth, but as you can guess, I am worried of a failure and 90 gallons of saltwater, coral, fish and rock all over my basement floor. As such, a new tank is on order from my lfs.

The overflow options were corner, middle with megaflow (aqueon and marineland tanks) or an aqueon with no pre-installed overflow and the LFS owner will install a custom one. I have ruled out the factory corner option due to the only option being on the left rear corner and that is the first side you see of the tank when you enter the room. They do not offer the right rear corner option. The LFS owner also stated that the middle megaflow option is the most intrusive in the tank and could affect flow and limit some aquascape options. As such, I think I have decided on the custom option but need to decide on the right rear panel placement or more in the middle of the tank(Joel from the LFS stated that the custom overflow is not as intrusive in size as the pre-installed option). My question for anyone who may read this post is.....Is there any advantage to either efficiency of skimming or internal flow in the tank to having the overflow placed on the right side rear or having it placed more centrally in the tank?

I am very nervous about trying to catch my inhabitants in the existing 90 and then at the same time, excited about doing away with my hang on the back CPR overflow (removing the lifter pump and risk of failure of that type of siphon system). I have also been really thinking of simplifying my rockwork for a more open appearance to help get rid of some dead spots that have been difficult to address thus far.

I will have to decide on hole placement for the overflow by wednesday, so anyone that might have a thought on this would be greatly appreciated.

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