samedi 28 mars 2015

Do you think I can get a Clam?

Hey Everyone-

I was reading up on everything clam here on TRT, and was wondering if you think my tank is mature enough to get one!

A few details:

Tank: Nanocube 29 with 10g custom sump

Lighting: Ocean Revive T206 (LED)

Filteration: Live Rock, Rear Media Rack, bioballs in sump, fine filter floss in sump, chaeto in sump.

  • Age: A bit under a year

  • Temperature: 78-80

  • Salinity: 1.026

  • Nitrate: 0

  • Nitrite: 0

  • Ammonia: 0

  • Calcium: 460

  • Magnesium: Unknown


Monthly 5g water change w. new floss and washed media.

Alternate days with a squirt of Kent A&B

Its been a pretty low maintenance tank- no drama besides a successful fight with cyanobacteria (WAR )

I have never kept a Clam before, and was wondering what requirements this non-kosher creature has!

At the LFS(s) they have all sorts of beauties- maximas, croteas, and more.

Am I better off getting a small 1-2 inch clam, or are the larger 3-4 inch ones hardier? Any advice?

Thanks! (Attached are some random pictures so you get an idea of my tank)

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