dimanche 29 mars 2015

Question: When are fish most likely to jump?

Hi there,

So I am really interested in getting a Midas Blenny, but as it is well known they are very often jumpers. So, my question is: Is there a certain time when fish are more likely to jump? For example, when the lights are off or on, daytime vs nighttime higher salinity vs lower etc etc?

It would be interesting to know.

The reason I would like to know is because if I do get a Midas blenny, I will make a top to stop jumping. BUT, could I only have it on at night and not day. That way I could just use some corrugated plastic of some sort at night and have an open top daytime for display. This is how it works at the lfs I work at, but if something does jump like an eel staff are there to put it back in.

Any ideas welcome :)

Tank specs:

180 litre

Salinity 1.026

2 perc clowns

2 blue green chromis

Six line wrasse

African flame back angel

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