lundi 30 mars 2015

Decided on building LED Fixture

So I've decided to go the DIY route for an LED fixture.

Im pretty much going to follow Jerad's DIY with a few small changes and thought I'd ask opinions, mainly on LED placement.

This is for a 48 x 12.75 x 20 tank

I haven't decided on a heatsink yet except there will be 2, each about 19" long.

Option 1 (Jerad's build with no changes)

Most likely going to use a 36 Ultra Premium LED Kit from rapid LED if I can't source the parts from my shop

Mean Well ELN 60-48P drivers

LED positioning

|B-W-B-W-B-W| |W-B-W-B-W-B|

|W-B-W-B-W-B| |B-W-B-W-B-W|

|B-W-B-W-B-W| |W-B-W-B-W-B|

heatsink#1 heatsink#2

Driver positioning




Option 2

Pretty much the same only adding in 2 red, 2 green, and 4UV into the mix along with the original 36 from the rapid LED kit.

And this is where I need the advice.....where would I put the extra LEDs and on what drivers would you run them on for best results? I have an Idea but would like to see what the experts think. (mixed reef tank)

I'll also be building an Arduino based controller with LCD Screen...I like it because I can expand it to control other things as well.

Let me know what you think.

I'll also be updating and adding pics to this thread as I progress with the build.

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