lundi 30 mars 2015

Sump Insulation

Good morning everyone,

I have recently moved my sump into my basement. 30 gallon long tank. My basement is considerably cooler than the living area that my display is in. One thing I would like to accomplish is minimal heat loss. For convenience I do keep my heating elements in my sump.

This weekend I surrounded my sump with 1" foam board as well as put the foam piping insulation on my return, skimmer and overflow lines. I would like to consider covering the top of the sump as well as I have enough foam left over to do it. It wont be air tight as I will have to make room for piping and my night light, but i think I could get it 95% +- covered. I have some plastic covering that I could put around the foam so condensation would not seep and then leak who knows what back into the tank. My skimmer and overflow lines both generate aeration and my surface water on my display does get agitated so there should be O2 exchange there as well.

Anyone have any thoughts- suggestions? Something I haven't considered?

Ultimately the goal of the insulation is to keep the heaters from running all the time. I have noticed a difference in the amount of time my temp controller runs since the sump move.


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