lundi 30 mars 2015

Coral problem

Hi everyone :) I'm new here. I used to have for years fresh water aquariums. Now I'm in Vietnam (I'm from Canada). Tropical fish are cheap here. Ex a sea horse is about $5. 10 days ago I bought the whole kit. The aquarium is 1m x 50cm x 40cm. 200 liters or about 50 gallons. Light Kao Kui KK100A 2x30W (one blue & one red) . The fish shop brought everything (even all the water) and installed everything. Yesterday I bought kits to mesure Ph, Salinity, NH3/NH4+ level

Temperature of the water 28.1 C during the day (I use air-conditioning 25C during the day all year round. It's HOT here). In the morning when I get up the water is at 28.4C

PH - By the color About 8.1

Salinity 1.0223

Nh3-4 By the color between 0 & 0.25 mg/l

I put 4 Clown fish yesterday

In 10 days some of the coral (the top) has gradually turned brown reddish.

What can be the problem?

My post count is still at zero so I can't put a picture or a link.

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