dimanche 29 mars 2015

Missing scooter blenny ?

So I'm actually kinda freaked out. I'm trying to stay calm as I know it's a rookie mistake to freak out over missing fish or anything like that but I've never not seen my scooter for less than 2 seconds. He's ALWAYS doing something visible and never stays still ! He's healthy and fine he eats all the time and I was just looking at my tank and he was all puffed up. Now he's gone. He's been gone for like 1 hour and I haven't seen a sign of him. My tank isn't large And there's few places to hide. My watchman has a hard time being obstructed from view. There isn't anything in the tank that would kill him, I have a clown a watchman goby and the scooter. And they've been together for months. I know it sounds like I'm making a mountain out of a mole hill but I seriously love my scooter. Anyone else experience hiding scooter blennies?

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