samedi 28 mars 2015


Hi guys! I should start out by telling you I've kept aquariums off and on (mostly on) for about 20 years. I started with a goldfish I won at a travelling carnival when I was 6 and have been hooked ever since. I tried my hand at discus a few years ago and failed miserably. Before then I had kept fairly hardy fish and hadn't learned the importance of careful, CAREFUL inspection of specimen before bringing them home and inadvertently introduced a sick discus to my otherwise thriving tank. Based on my research I believe it was discus plague. Unfortunately I didn't treat it in time and lost my stock. At $80+ per fish it scarred me for life. I had been thinking about trying saltwater for a long time, but after my discus fiasco I decided it just wasn't for me.

After a couple years I started looking into saltwater again. There are so many unique life forms and vibrant colors you simply can't get with freshwater fish. I decided to bite the bullet and take the plunge and set up my first reef tank and so far I LOVE it. I catch myself staring at it constantly.

Here are the specs -

40 gallon with about 30lbs of live rock

2 ocellaris clownfish

1 lawnmower blenny

1 green mandarin

1 coral banded shrimp

1 emerald crab

Blue legged hermits

Nerite snails

Bumble bee snails

1 purple tip anemone

Pulsing Xenias

Zooanthus polyps

Kenya tree

Blue mushrooms

Green star polyps

Lighting is 1 actinic and 1 10,000k HO and blue LEDs for night.

I use a HOB filter with filter floss and PhosGuard and filled with LR rubble.

I have a Lee's protein skimmer and a 240gph power head.

Though I consider myself an expert aquarist I'm still new to the saltwater game and I'm really looking forward to picking up on all the info this forum has to offer!

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