jeudi 26 mars 2015

New lights

I'm currently looking for a new light for my 40 gallon sps tank. The tank is coming up on a year old and I currently have a max spect razor. I just want to know what would be the absolute best light. I love LEDs and I know they aren't perfect for sps, but I kind if want a fixture that looks nice. The led I was looking at was the xr30 gen3 pro. I've never done t5's or metal halides before and I'm worried that my tank would get a hot with them and that my electric bill would be insane. I like the ghl madras light also but I can't find anything out about it really. I'm also looking at the new kessil ap 700. From everything I've read the radion, although expensive, is probably my best bet. Does anyone have any suggestions?

My tank by the way is an innovative marine 40 fusion. I'm using the cad lights pls50 skimmer, smart ato, ghl doser, and max spect razor 120. I should have gotten a tank with a sump but I couldn't afford one with the size tank I wanted to go with. I know my tank is young but I've had some alright growth in my sps so far, but I really would like to get a nicer light. This is only the second tank I've ever taken care of on my own. The only sps I have so far are as follows:


Ora red planet

Ora joe the coral

Ora stuber staghorn

Ora ponape birds nest

Red stylophora

Two green things that I don't know what they are one I think is a cap

And what I believe is a red monitipora, but I don't know because it really hasn't grown at all for some reason

Rainbow milli

And I hope to add a green slimmer if I can find one

My parameters are as follows

Ca: 450 ppm

Alk: 9 ppm

Mg: 1360 ppm

Ph: 8.1

Ammonium: 0 ppm

Nitrite: 0 ppm

Nitrate: 0 ppm

Test used: salifert

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