jeudi 26 mars 2015

Tank update (watchman goby version)

So two new things. I finally got the watchman to come out and he is gorgeous lol, and I reaquascaped again. The old one was wobbly and eh. I'm trying a simplistic design now tell me your thoughts. And also the watchman hasn't been eating, or at least I haven't seen him eat he's so sneaky.

And also, what would be a good clean up crew for a 30 gallon. I have currently 2 nasassris snails, 2 astrea snails, 1 scarlet hermit, 1 Halloween hermit, 1 blue legged hermit and I know both the goby and Benny pick at stuff. I read somewhere something like 30 blue legged hermits, 10 Scarlets 10 astreas and 2 emerald crabs. Thoughts ?

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