jeudi 26 mars 2015

Maroon Clownfish: one not eating

Well i got a pair of gold stripes about a week ago to center my 70 gallon around. two beautiful little fish, one slightly bigger than the other, both being right around 2.5 inches. I obtained the pair form the same fish store, housed next to eachother, but in separate tanks. So as expected when added to my tank the larger one picked on and nipped at the smaller ones fins for the first couple of days. Luckily that has ended and there seems to be no more fighting.

The smaller fish has started to hide in the tank in a rock structure away from the larger fish. I will occasionally see the larger fish with the smaller fish but not very often.

The problem that i have is that i have yet to see the smaller fish eat. Is this normal when maroons are establishing dominance in a new tank? Should i be worried? The larger fish eats like a champ along with the few other fish in the tank. I have some experience with ocellaris clowns but have never had this problem. Looking for some of you experienced maroon lovers to give me some helpful advice.

Thanks in advanced


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