jeudi 26 mars 2015


Hello everyone,

New to this forum, but not new to the hobby. I have been in and out of the hobby over the last 20 years, but yet still trying to learn to do things correctly. I'm sure as many agree its a never ending challenge.

As some of you get to know me you will find that I am big on DIY. If I can make something that achieves the same functionality less expensive than what I can buy I will. Sometimes they don't always work out, sometimes I get bashed for even trying, but its how I have learned most everything though out my life. Keeping that in mind I do try to give my livestock the best environment I can.

I currently have a 90 gallon reef with various corals and fish, 6 bulb T5 lighting, and a 30 gallon sump that needs work. The tank it self is fairly new with in the last two years, but the livestock is not. It came from a tear down from someone else that had the system going for about 6 years. Sump included. I have recently read the rather lengthy "Refugium" discussion thread here and have come to realize I have some work to do and some changes to make. I have lots of related questions that I will eventually post in the more appropriate areas.

The most recent change I have made was to move my entire sump down to my basement. I honestly haven't decided if this was a mistake or not - but its there now. Of the many reasons I wanted to do this one was strictly realizing that I need to work with it some more and living directly under my tank stand i just did not have to room to get done what I want.

So there's my story in a nut shell....

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