vendredi 31 octobre 2014

Clear mesh netting 1/4"


I have a bunch of left over clear mesh netting for screen tops. The netting is 1/4" screen and length 10 feet wide. I can cut any size needed just let me know the measurements. Shipping is $5.00 cost is $.80 a square foot. Payments via PayPal.

Cost break down for a few common sizes below.

2'x2'= $3.20 + shipping

4'x4'= $12.80 + shipping

6'x3'= $14.40 + shipping

7'x2'= $11.20 + shipping

Suggestion on moving from 20 to 30 gallon

Okay reefers, I need your thoughts and input. I'm upgrading my 20 to a. 30 gallon tank. Please don't say just get a bigger tank. It's all I can fit in my apartment. I've already got the tank and it's gonna get swapped over. I just need to know how. My main concern is how to swap my sand over. Please help as this will be occurring in the next 24 hours. Thanks!

hitchhiker ID - video

Can anyone ID this critter? I know its not the best because as soon as it sees me move the camera closer it takes off in to the rock, but watch this video a few times, between 4 and 5 seconds you'll see it on the rock and then it disappears back in to the rock.

It looks like some sort of crab? Zoa spider? What do you think? I'm wondering if this is why it is impossible for me to keep zoas in my tank if this critter isn't munching on them. This critter is the main reason I'm thinking I might not reuse my rock in my new tank (or I may move it in to the sump to keep this little guy from getting to my corals) at a minimum I will probably soak the rocks in cold RO/DI water to try and coerce all of the creatures in the rocks to come out of the rocks before I move them in to my new tank...especially that little thing! But I have lots of bristleworms too that I plan on freezing out again because they come really sluggish in cold water and come out of the rock and let you pick them out with tweezers. Hopefully whatever this thing is does the same...

I hate to lose all of my coralline algae, but it is the price I'm going to pay I think...

RTV 108 cure time, replaced back pane of glass 46 gallon bf

Hey guys, I replaced the back pane of glass on my 46 gallon bowfront tank... I replaced the glass and resealed the entire tank on monday around 1 pm... I called rtv and they said full cure is 3-7 days...

Im on day 4.. and the rtv 108 seems solid.... would it be okay to do a leak test?

Rare Fish

Just seeing if anyone has or owes any rare fish, i only bring this up cause my lfs ordered 6 tangs, i forgot the name but there so rare, they haven't been on the market or seen for 3 years. All i know is that there very pretty fish and also very expensive lol, but they will be cool to look at them when he gets them in.

So just seeing what other rare fish people have seen or own

So I won this at a reef convention and I've gotten no offers yet

☠ Your 15% off coupon expires at midnight! ☠


Get 15% off the most expensive item in your order until midnight tonight with coupon code BOO

We are also happy to match other store prices or coupons if you find something more appealing. Don't be scared—just let us know! We always want you to pay the lowest price when you shop with us.

Post your favorite sps colony of frag

Like many others when I started reefing I hated sps so boring the just stand there and do absolutely nothing. I'm a huge euphyllia fan and was up to about 15 euphyllia in my tank rainbow hammer orange Hammer gold torch I had some good ones. Well one day brown jelly decided to come visit my tank and tool out a bunch of them. At that time I had a few acros and they started to do well. Every show I go to I come back with all acros it weird how I changed over. I have a few favorite my colony which I don't know what acro it is since it's my first and getting to be a decent size. My other is another no name and my blue berry shortcake acro. The blueberry is new so it isn't that colored yet. I forgot to upload my pictures gonna have to do that

Question about clean up crew

I am still cycling a new 45g tank with LR. No fish yet but I am bored now and wanted to know when should a crew up crew be introduced and what kind of make up would be best for a 45g.

The only fish that I know for sure I am getting are 2 Ocellaris Clownfish. Still looking/researching other fish to put in with them.

Thank for any info

maroon clownfish

hey guys so i was wondering if i can add a third or maybe fourth gold bar maroon to my existing pair? thanks :)

maroon clownfish

hey guys so i wanted to know if i was able to add a third or maybe fourth gold bar maroon clown to my existing pair?

Wanted to stop and introduce my self

I've been browsing trt for several months now and you have all been a huge help as I venture into this exciting hobby. As I get deeper in, I'm sure I'll start needing to ask questions, so I created an account and here I am.

A little about my setup. My wife and I were convinced to buy a used 90 gallon setup from our local lfs. We were told it had everything we needed except water, live rock, and stock. In short, I have since replaced the return pump (went out), skimmer (underpowered), lights (el cheapo), power head (not what I wanted), and sump (wanted a refugium and it came with wet/dry with bioballs). Oh, and a new heater because that also fried. With all of that said, I wish I would have bought a new tank and stand and started fresh. Now that I have a better understanding of the components, it would have been cheaper. That's how we learn though and I'm loving the hobby. I'm obsessed with the actual care of the tank and my wife and I are hooked on the hobby.

My setup -

90 gallon 48 x 18 x 24

2 x AI Hydra 26

1 x Vortech MP40

Coralife skimmer - need to check model. The lfs delivered it and installed it in the beginning.

Eshopps r-200 refugium

Pondmaster mag 9.5 return pump


2 Ocellaris Clowns

2 Firefish

1 Yellow watchman goby

1 diamond watchman goby

1 Red Head Salon fairy wrasse

1 Yellow Tang

1 Sailfin Tang

1 spotted mandarin

assorted CUC

Skunk cleaner shrimp

Fire shrimp

A few misc soft corals and one LPS - Frogspawn.

As a preface, I do appreciate any and all advice of what I can do going forward. With that said, I'm aware that a Sailfin is too big for a 90. In the early stages, my lfs suggested it and I had not researched it. It is currently small and I've already talked to them about relocating it as it gets larger. That is if I haven't upgraded to a 180 by then. :). Second, the mandarin eats frozen and I'm also seeding one container of tisbe copepods per week until I'm sure that there is a substantial population. I'm also culturing tisbe copepods in a separate container. I've just began, so I can't comment on the success of this yet. In hindsight, I would have skipped the sailfin and the mandarin until a later date. But I do have them now and they both seem to be doing very well. My corals area all happy and healthy and my only parameter that is proving difficult is my nitrates. They are hovering between 20 - 40. I'm doing weekly water changes and it seems to be under control and moving in the right directions.

Sorry to be so long winded, but I wanted to be thorough. I look forward to leveraging all of the experience and wisdom on this forum.

Happy birthday to bud217 on 10/31!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing.....


It's Friday, Coffee is ready.

Good Morning,:wavey:

Coffee is hot and Ready,:dance:

Haven't been able to get on lately, busy at work and home, doing a lot of work on the house, the floods and bathrooms .

Have a Great Day!:beer:

jeudi 30 octobre 2014

ID these, morphs?

I believe these are some kind of morphs, about two tagged alone on my brain coral but i've noticed a few more pop up, wondering what exactly they are?


adding fish

Quick question. So adding fish your suppose to wait about 1 to 2 weeks between each fish correct? I just bought a wrasse today. He's still at the lfs I plan on adding him next friday. That will mark 2 weeks since adding my royal gramma. So here's my question my lfs said that as long has my amonnia has read 0 for a week I should be good till add the wrasse and he sad that this wrasse I got is small and only gets 3 inch it's a Lubbock's fairy wrasse and he said that it wouldn't be much on my bioload since he's small. And my ammonia has read 0 for the past 6 days totomorrow will mark 1 week. Do you think I would be ok to add the wrasse Tuesday. But I'm perfectly fine waiting till next friday. Only reason I wanna add him sooner is that lfs is getting a order in next week and I don't wanna chance the one I bought not getting along with the new batch of fish?

Strombus Snail - what on earth is he doing?

Hi All,

I purchased a strombus snail approximately 1 inch long three weeks ago. He/she has been great so far and enjoys doing laps of the tank vacuuming it for us :-)

This morning i noticed he/she has built a little mound in the sand subtrate at the front of the tank up against the glass... it's about one and 1/2 inches long and about 2cm wide... then this afternoon he/she is hard at work building a second identical mound not far from this one.

My question is, what is my little one doing? could it be a girl and i bought her pregnant and she is building a nest of some sorts?

any help would be great.

Cycling an old tank

Ok so I had a beautiful 125 gallon reef tank for set up for years but last year I got a divorce and had to move my tank, I had good intentions I used my old saltwater 55 gallon tank and old filter and used the water from the tank and transferred all my livestock until I set the big tank back up. I added salt and water and planned on letting it cycle in the meantime the pump on my little tank went out so I had to buy a new one-BAD CHOICE-within days everything started dying!!! the tank was cycling because of the new filter (I dint even think of that) I tried everything I could doing daily water changes adding beneficial bacteria ammo lock you name it, long story short I ended up loosing everything! so I waited until the big tank cycled and added a few fish, I started having problems a few weeks in although there wasn't any changes in parameters the fish were dying and then I realized the salt levels were too high I tried water changes and it didn't help when my last fish died I left the tank alone but running for 6 months then I just decided I was done and was going to sell it! I drained most of the water just keeping enough for my hermit crabs it sat for a few weeks before I decided to refill it and take it offline because of the ridiculous offers I was getting! So here I am now Day 1 again I added water and salt (this time using a accurate measuring cup) what do I do? Have I destroyed the beneficial bacteria I once had, will it cycle faster because I used all my old media, sump, sand and live rock? do I need to add new live rock/sand to re seed mine? What can I expect re cycling an old tank? how long should it take and are there any suggestions to speed up the process? Thanks :)

Whatcha think?

Hey every one, just want to show every one my 4 month old 20 gallon nano reef

tank. I have a 20 gallon sump a aqua one 250 gallon skimmer, aqua topia bio filter, and a something rather power head thingo.

Live stock: one elligance coral, a small mushroom garden, sun corals, a large hammer coral two huge things (I forgot their names lol) and another shroom

That is about 4 to 5 inches across :)

My fish: one Ocellaris clown, one blue green chromis, one pajama cardanil,

And one Bengali cardanail.

Inverts: one bubble tip anemone, and a small peppermint shrimp.

What do you think of my tank?

Plz no abuse either tank you :)

Little tubes appearing all over

I have small brown/tan tubes, minus any feather duster, appearing all over my tank and even on snail shells, etc.

Any ideas?

I'll try and get a pic later.

Nozzle for precise application of super glue

This is brilliant. Great for getting under coral frags. All you need is scissors, a candle and plastic q-tips. I'll be making some for zoas.

Intermediate Fowlr

I've moved my interests from 10 gal fresh to 180 gal salt and back down to a 65 now. I have been involved with fish keeping for 15 or so years but do not consider myself expert or well experienced. My preference for salt is based on color and not ease of care. I don't read many forums nor write much either, I will read a little here but try to keep my opinion to myself.

Get 15% off for Halloween

Get 15% off the most expensive item in your order now until midnight tomorrow with coupon code BOO

We are also happy to match other store prices or coupons if you find something more appealing. Don't be scared! lol Just let us know! We always want you to pay the lowest price when you shop with us.

confused...skimmer and pump?

So I have a 220 gallon tank cyceling right now with a 60 gallon sump, I am buying a AquaC EV-240 Protein Skimmer off someone for a good price. He is also selling me a mag 12 pump. All the sites say it needs a 12 or 18 to run. So my question is what kind of return pump do I need? I would assume I would need a mag 12 to match the skimmer, but on a few web sites it says the skimmers gph rate is 560, and the mag 5 pump gph rate is 500. I have a mag 5 pump so I wouldn't have to buy a new one if this is good enough?

So to sum up do I need a mag 12 or is a mag 5 good enough?

Acropora dead over night?

I received 2 pieces of acropora and a pink birds nest. I did an iodine dip for 5 minutes and then placed all 3 pieces in my frag tank just outside of the light. (light was on them but they weren't directly under the lights) I woke up looked at the corals and the 2 acropora were completely white and as far as I can tell dead. The birds nest that was right next to them is alive and doing just fine. What should I be looking into as the cause of death? I'm slowly getting into LPS. My tank is 2 years old and LPS is growing like crazy and haven't had a coral die in over a year.

I do 30% bi-weekly water changes.

Temp: 80.5

Salinity: 1.025

PH: 8.14

Phosphates: .03

Nitrates: ~0

Nitrites: 0

Ammonia: 0

Calcium: 400

non-live sand

does anyone know where you can order non-live aragonite sand? Seems like everyone advertises live sand, I don't want live sand.

How's everyone doing?

Hi there,

Names Dominic and I'm a very new saltwater keeper, so new I don't even own a saltwater tank just an empty 30 gallon i'm looking to fill up.

I know a lot of very intelligent fishkeepers hang out here so I came looking for advice!

Hope you guys will join me on my journey and I'll make sure to post lots of pictures.

Desktop Aquarium

Hey Everyone i want to add a little life to my work area. I want to get a tank for growing corals. I don't have a lot of space so max size will be 4 gallons but logically would like 2-3 gallons.

These are the 2 i really like so far.

My question is lighting. I want to store coral here before adding to my 60 gallon tank.

Which one would you go with and would you replace the lighting? If you would get a new lighting system what would you get?

(I want to stay at a decent low price)

What i have for it:

50 watt heater that is a mini

argonite white sand

1 lb of figi rock

2 soft coral

1 hard coral

Ultra Newbie or am I psyching myself out? First time saltwater questions.

Hello Everyone,

This is my first post and I'd like to Introduce myself.

My name is Dominic I'm 29 and I live in PA and I'm scared to death of owning a saltwater tank, I need your help.

I would not call myself a novice animal keeper as I am a lover of all animals especially reptiles and own a few hard to keep specimens.

I'm don't own any fish but I'm well versed in freshwater aquatics due to my Axolotl Salamander breeding colony. I know the basic's of cycling tanks as well as some more advanced stuff like adding c02 for plant growth.

I've had my eye on owning a Peacock Mantis Shrimp for a while and I recently picked up a 30 gallon fish tank with a stand on craigslist and figured I would bite the bullet. With all my supposed animal keeping knowledge I sat down and stared at this empty tank filled with dread of all the horror stories I've heard about Saltwater ownership.

This fear comes from my childhood as my estranged father also loved "exotic" animals but did not have the motivation or knowledge to properly take care of these unique animals resulting in my opinion gross neglect and abuse. It has instilled in my an almost neurotic attention to detail when it comes to animal care.

I'm rambling so heres the skinny of it.

The actual Question(s)

How do I start? I am looking for some super specific guide online or maybe a book that explains from start to finish how to set up a FOWLR tank that doesn't assume I know anything because I don't want to accidentally forget something and kill my inhabitants.

Once I have the tank set up 30 gallon Fowlr how do I stock it? What is the rule of thumb? I know Mantis Shrimp are mostly a solitary animal but I know some top swimming fish are usually introduced as well. What is the fish per gallon rule?

Any other Protips? I heard joining a Reef Club is a good idea for beginners so I found the "Delaware Valley Reef Club" and signed up yesterday I'm still waiting to hear back from them.

Thank you all! for reading my long ass post I work in an office so all I do is browse forums so if you need anymore information ask and I'll jump back in shortly.

Frag help

Hello everybody, I am looking for some experienced fraggers out there. I usually try to buy frags already on rocks but just went to Coral Con last weekend and bought some rarer Zoas/Palys on plugs. Of course this week after a few nights my crabs managed to knock some of them loose and the Zoas came off the plug. Luckily I was able to recover them and they are currently floating in a Ziploc so they do not get lost amongst my 200+ lbs of live rock. They seem healthy still and are staying somewhat open but I want to fix them up. So I have a few questions for you, I appreciate your help.

  1. How do I reattach the Zoas/Palys back onto the plugs and what do I use to attach them? Epoxy of some sort? Does it hurt the coral?

  2. What is the best way to attach the plugs/discs to live rock?

  3. Is it common practice to drill holes in live rock with a masonry bit to insert the plug into? I would ultimately like to attach plugs to smaller pieces of live rock so they can grow over them and I can move them around if need be.

Would I be able to use one ballast for two lights?

I got 3 250w metal halide sockets and reflectors for free and was gonna use just two so would I be able to use a 500w ballast if they make those and power two?

Algae Benny

Hi all! Today i've eye witness my algae benny attacking other tank mate in a 2 Feet tank. The victim are baby blue tang. I was wondering if i move it to a Larger tank (4 feet) will it attack my adult size blue tang? Please Advice thanks!

Thursday ready for service

Good mawnin', TRT!

Coffee is ready. Pancakes and VT maple syrup with 2 kinds of bacon on the side. Apples and nanners, too.

Black walnut cake for a birthday boy today ;)

Off to Civitan. Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone!

Happy birthday to junkzoon on 10/30!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing.......


Black walnut cake for you, Jeff :drool:

mercredi 29 octobre 2014

another wrasse question

Well me and my girlfriend are going to my lfs to purchase a wrasse for our tank but won't be adding the wrasse till next friday. we got it down to 3 choices and this is where i need help. Our tank is a 55 gallon with 55 lb LR.

1. Solar Fairy Wrasse male (75 min tank)

2. Longfin Fairy Wrasse (55 min tank)

3. Multi Color Lubbock's Fairy Wrasse (50 min tank)

So the first fish, love the male wrasse very beautiful colors, girlfriend loves this one and so do i, and understand it says 75 min tank on LA but many many other sites say 55 is the min including my lfs who i trust, but im on the edge about him, i just wanna know if he will work or any success storys of him in a 55? my tank is 4ft long, im assuming its long enough? and i heard people say 75 cause of he can become aggressive towards other fish but very rarely if at all.

Second fish, would be perfect for our tank but he's pretty much ruled out as my girlfriend doesn't not find him PRETTY! lol

3rd wrasse we both agree we like that one he or what ever wrasse we get will be our 4th fish in the tank and only concern i have with this guy is, on LA it says its semi aggressive but in the details about him it says it will not bother any other fish and if it does only towards other wrasses which we only gonna keep one anyways.

Here is my complete list of fish we plan to have and currently have if this helps with helping us pick a nice wrasse.

2 blue chromis (current)

1 Royal Gramma (current)


blenny of some sort

maybe a goby

2 clowns

So if anyone can help me out with there advise it would be great.


How to clean used aquarium?

I just bought a 35 gallon tank and stand to upgrade my 20 long (woo!). It was used as a freshwater setup. How do I clean it safely so I can use it to transfer my saltwater 20 long over?

Question about LED Lighting for Reef tank.

Hi I just want to ask is it common for sudden change of light of LED cause fish to stress and die?

My parameters are

Nitrite 0

PH 8.1

Nitrate 5

Ammonia 0

My baby blue tang were fine this morning, suddenly I change the light to the brightest in order to view more clearly and it suddenly rush into a LR and die.

Everything else are fine. LED lighting usually run from the timer at a rating from 1(lowest) to 10(brightest). At the point of time it was change from 1 to 10 at instant.

An idea about random flow.

I was thinking one day, I know impressive right :P, all the powerheads are stationary. yet we need random flow throughout our systems. so why hasn't anyone created a powerhead that moves along the glass by itself in a random pattern? kindve like certain swimmingpool vacuums. ive been thinking about this for awhile and just cant figure out how you would get a PH from point a to point b. it would be easy to have it on a track, but that would look a bit tacky. it would be nice though.

just a thought, gotta document this stuff lol

Diamond Goby

I found my Diamond Goby with Red Leg Hermit in his mouth. Crab was out of shell. Have had 2 other die. Could the goby be killing them. Never heard of them killing crabs

LTA vs heater

So, I worked up enough nerve to try an anemone last week. Picked up a nice healthy LTA which my tiny maroon clown hopped in within a few hours. All's been well until today. I came home from work to find he'd move next to the heater and the tentacles touching it were melted. I moved it away (the clown followed, he doesn't seem to mind the melted bits). About 70% of the tentacles and the base are fine, about 10% melted and the surrounding 20% a shrunken and look bad.

Is there any hope he'll recover? Anything I can do to help?

stocking suggestion for 55gal

I have a 55gal (4ft long) with plenty of live rock, sand, protein skimmer, filter and powerheads

Currently housed:

2 ocellaris clowns (introduced about a month ago)

2 pj cardinals (just bought them, currently in quarintine)

Plan to get:

1 diamond sleeper goby or golden head sleeper goby

1 angelfish - I like Flame or Coral Beauty if my tank is big enough?

1 tang - again, whatever my tank will hold, if anything???

I'm open to suggestions for the rest, especially if some of what I was going to get won't fit

Thanks for the help!

Want to buy PC4 for reefkeeper

Will pay $40 shipped.

Thank you!

Up to $45 off Digital Aquatics Elite Controllers

Digital Aquatics products are normally restricted by MAP pricing, but today is a rare exception!

The Digital Aquatics ReefKeeper Elite (Plus) Controller is $30 off until 10/31

The Digital Aquatics ReefKeeper Elite (Net) Controller is $45 off until 10/31

We are happy to answer any and all questions you may have about these controllers. Just leave us a comment below!

New! Gryphon AquaSaw and AquaSaw XL

Gryphon Aquasaw and Aquasaw XL

Chop your corals and trade with friends!

This AquaSaw is corrosion-resistant and designed for use with saltwater. Perfect for cutting and fragging a variety of LPS and SPS corals to trade or sell to friends and make room in your aquarium for new frags. The direct drive, high-speed motor allows for precision cuts and high quality metal parts will keep the saw operating smoothly.

55 gallon - fish orders

With this sort of aquascaping:

In which order should I get these fishes:

Blue Eye Royal Dottyback

False Percula Clownfish

Blue Tang

Kole Tang/Tomini Tang/Bristletooth Tang

Red Mandarin Dragonet

Pygmy Angelfish

Flame Angelfish

Yellow Angelfish


Clown Goby Citrinis

Royal Gramma Basslet

Please .. no police tang ... I am just asking for order of entry :beer:

Anyone try "Prohibit Levamisole Hydrochloride" for Ich?

I'm going to be trying this, this weekend. I have heard enough stories on success... Has anyone tried this???

I am from ReefCentral, and have been since 2008, but no one seems to be that active on that board anymore, so I'm boarding "TRT"

Thanks all!


Button polyps ok for a mostly fish tank?

I started in the hobby back when you could by dead, but real, colorful corals to put in your tank. I'm not crazy about the live rock look. Reminds me more of the Jersey shore than a tropical reef. So, I was wondering, can I keep button polyps in my tank which has a variety of angels (Emperor, Majestic, Queen), with no problems? I don't care if they're colorful or not. Anything is better than plain old rock.

I also have other fish which I know are "reef safe" (tangs, etc.) Just wondering if I let button polyps run wild will they eventually overrun and fowl the tank, poison the fish, etc?

I have a couple right now plus a Kenya Tree leather and another one that hitchhiked onto the button polyp rock.

acclimation question

i just had a quick question, when i buy a fish, i shut my tank light off, float the bag for 20 mins then go on to drip acclimate them, my question is how long before you turn the light back on, i usually leave it off for 15 mins after my fish is added to the tank or does it matter? What are some ways you guys do it?

Automatic Top Off systems

Hey All,

I am thinking i should do an ATO (because i don't trust people to top off for me when i go somewhere). There are many out there, some DIY, some purchase. What is the Best (yeah, i know it will be opinion based) for a budget?

Zoa ID and Health opinion?

Alright everyone, as my sig says I have a Current Orbit Marine LED which I'm learning isn't the greatest for corals but should be fine for Zoas. I bought one frag almost two months ago and I think they are Eagle Eyes and they have been reproducing, but look a bit brown still. The rest I picked up a month ago and I think they are doing ok.

I neglected to write any names down so I'd like any input as to what they are and how they look. All were dipped in Revive before heading into the tank. Sg 1.025, temp 78, ammonia, nitrite is 0 and nitrate is around 10ppm with weekly 10 % water changes. Thanks!

(Month Old Teal stripped one that is never fully open)

 photo Tealstripe2.jpg

(Tall stalk pinkish ones)

 photo TallPink.jpg

(very tiny purple and lavender ones)

 photo TinyPurpleOnes.jpg

(Eagle Eyes I think)

 photo EagleEye.jpg

(Green polyps? They keep going from green to brown and back)

 photo Mushroom.jpg

Cleaning the outside of the tank

Hey all,

What do you use/recommend to clean the outside of a glass aquarium?

Thoughts and opinions on SCWD squid wavemaker

Just looking for some other peoples opinion on the SCWD squid wavemaker. I like mine but just looking for input. Sorry should have put it under general topic.

Keeping the tank alive: week 3 no return pump

Hi there,

I just wanted to rant. My return pump broke about three weeks ago. I went to my old fish store and bought a brand new one. It broke as soon as it was plugged in. My store won't take it back. 70$ gone. I have managed to keep my tank alive! I am very thankful for that. Just water changes and my fish are ok. Crazy story I will add more later and tell how my rodi unit grew pink fuzzy water.. Have a good day!

My first loss and should I keep 2 chromis?

I got 3 blue/green chromis last night. I debated the blue or the blue green and based on color I couldn't justify spending $25 each for the blue. Anyhow after acclimation two of them stayed together in the tank. The third stayed behind the rock and appeared to be breathing heavy. Parameters are good and the other fish are doing great.

This morning the third was MIA. I blew out the rocks to find him dead at the bottom. :(

I've read to keep these in odd numbers but the 2 I have seem to be happy together and stay together constantly. Should I add another or just keep the 2?

90 gallon, coral beauty, 2 clowns, one spot fox face, molly miller blenny.

75 gl stocking list

Hi all, I will introduce myself first. I am new to the Saltwater side of this hobby but very excited. yes, research, research and then more research. I keep Discus ( 20 in house at the moment) and several breeding pair of Angelfish. along with a community tank of Red blood parrots and tetras.

this will be our 9th tank in our fishroom and it is already underway.

the tank is a 75 gl that will house (eventually) soft corals, I do no plan on getting too involved in corals with this tank.

The question for today is, How does the stocking list look?

please let me know if something should be removed and WHY? I want to learn as well.

1 - Kole Yellow Eye Tang

1- Coral Beauty Angel

2- Ocel. Clownfish

1- Lemon Butterflyfish

1-Tobacco Basslet

1-Yellow Prawn Goby/Pistol shrimp combo

1- Redhead Solon fairy Wrasse

1-Black Combtooth Blenny

3-Blue reef Chromis ( should there be more of these

as they are a shoaling fish)

again, please let me know why I should eliminate from the list.

ALSO, I understand it may be a bit overkill (yes?) with that being said, I am in my fishroom everyday doing something. I do water changes with my Discus to the point I am anal about it. So, I am not afraid of extra maintenance. just sayin.

Happy birthday to morairtym on 10/19!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing.........



I have been Reefing for almost 5 years have 29 gallon and a 60 gallon.

Confusing thing is the 29 gallon sand bed crushed coral 1/2 inch, coral and fish living not thriving setup is. 20 gal wet dry huge external skimmer and phos reactor 40 lbs live rock system is 4 years old coraline grows but slow parameters show good

60 Gallon same shallow sand bed 1/2 inch same age 100 lbs live rock hob refugium and cheap hob filter for 40 gallon you get from walmart and a diy skimmer that can fit in your hand and yet that tank grows coralline and corals and any thing I want including plants like crazy do water changes on 29 once a week and maybe once a month on 60 what gives any explanation of why.

29 1yellow watchman goby 1 pajama cardinal star pol and mushrooms and Kenya tree and cuc

60 1 yellow watchman goby 1 pajama cardinal 1 scooter blenny star pol and mushrooms 2 cherry shrimp and cuc

Both tanks have the same type lighting usa orbit marine 24-36 on 29

36-48 on 60

only thing I can think of is the carbon in the hob filter is the only dif.


Hi all been reefing about 5 years hoping to solve some problems of my own and maybe help others solve some of theirs.

I have a 29 gallon reef 4 years old a 60 gallon reef 4 years old a 20 gallon isolation tank 29 gallon fresh water tank and starting a 75 gallon reef in my shop. oh forgot 55 gallon don't know what to do with yet.

Final Oct Hump Day Wednesday

Good morning TRT Faithful

Coffee, tea, juices on tap. English muffins, with homemade jams.

Everything this morning is GMO free. :)

Enjoy everyday

mardi 28 octobre 2014

Cardinal fish turning black at the stomach

ok so this completes my trouble threads for the night. this isn't a fish in my tank, but in my buddies that I recently cleaned. before the tank had a sandbed, no regular maint, algae galore, the cardinal fish's belly started turning a lil black. I believe this is an indication of stress, a week before I noticed it was turning black my buddies tang died. this is a 55gal with 2 snowflake clowns, cardinal, tang (dead), coral beauty and a coral bandit shrimp. 20gal tall sump.

after the tang died I took the coral beauty because I noticed he was getting stressed as well (started showing LLD). for about 2 months livestock was the shrimp, cardinal and the 2 clowns. algae is still going bonkers.

I cleaned the tank, took out the sandbed, took out the dsb in the sump, cleaned the rock, improved the flow. now its a bb tank with the cardinal, 2 clowns and shrimp.

corals have always been in there, various palythora's, a colony of protopalythora's, hammerhead, frogspawn and 2x Kenya tree's. I cleaned the tank 3 weeks ago and there has been very little algae growing. starting to ramp up a lil tho as I notice bacteria flock is also starting to accumulate on the bottom glass as well. algae on the rocks is starting to grow now as well. tap water is used here as well but will be on a ro/di system next week.

the cardinal's belly is getting a lil bit blacker just like when the tang died. I believe this is showing stress cuz once upon a time when my 55g was a baby and my tank crashed due to an ich outbreak from a minicycle I had a cardinal and right before he died he got pretty black as well.

now the food factor. this guy has only been feeding Mysis shrimp. nothing else. he has only been feeding Mysis shrimp since about 6 months ago. I think that's what finally did the tang in (tangs are primarily herbivores) cardinals are carnivores but can feeding only Mysis kill them or cause enough stress to start turning them black?

if not what could be stressing the cardinal out? besides the tank being cleaner and being bb nothing has really changed..

Sad looking zoa's

I bought a frag of 5 heads of these nice looking zoa's about 3-4 weeks ago. I also bought a single head by itself. I put that single head on a rock with another single head of a diff zoa and rubberbanded them and they have looked great since then. the 5 head frag not so much. its been slowly declining, today I think I see what is often called zoa pox and they haven't been open for the past few days. I cant get a good pic of the 'zoa pox' spots, and as I was taking this pic I just noticed that red thing, anyone know what that is? the frag plug doesn't have 5 on there anymore, I took the best looking one and put it on its own frag, hopefully it will recover, one has disappeared and there are 3 on the plug now. I also relocated them to isolation. I don't think this is my fault or came from my tank as when I went to my lfs yesterday that I got these from, the other 2 frags (7 frags originally for sale) looked like crap as well. here are some pics.

Win 50 % OFF Discount with Your Halloween DIY stuff

Are you going to make a costume for your families or your pets? Get ready to carve a Halloween pumpkin? Have you prepared a recipe to make a Halloween feast for your guests? Is your Halloween makeup scaring enough to make your friends frightened?

Pavtube has prepared a special gift for you, allowing you to win a chance to get 50 % OFF discount with your Halloween DIY stuff. You can follow the video guides provided on Pavtube Halloween page or learn from any video site to make a Halloween costume, makeup, feast, candy, etc, and upload them to YouTube, and mail the YouTube URL for 50 % OFF discount of any video converter from Pavtube. :blob::blob::blob:

Got my lights! made a mistake...

I got my led's in the mail today, ive got everything except I made a mistake. the 20 royal blue's that I ordered, I didn't make sure I got the ones with the star heatsink. im going to reorder them and just dish out the 10$ because from the research I did I will spend a lot more money trying to mount these diodes to star heatsinks myself. does anyone know what I can do with these things? I don't wanna just throw them away, returning them would be more of a cost to me + 2-3 weeks time more to get the correct ones.

I do wanna make some moonlight accents and have several heatsinks from a couple computer processors, can I mount 2 of them to each heatsink and be alright with heat? they wouldn't be ran at full capacity, probably around 200-500ma using phone chargers and other adaptors of the like. thermal adheisive would be used and care made to make sure shorts are avoided.

a note on tidy up crews

these past few weeks have been something. algae has really started getting ahold of my tank, not due to husbandry negligence but because my rocks are full and are now leeching out. im not sure what kindve algae it is but here is a pic of a spot I let grow just to get an ID on it. it looks like a mini xmas tree and I know I got it from my lfs despite cleaning frags I never dipped them or did any algae preventive cleanings on them.

it grows on my top layer of rocks where the light is dominant, its not a real problem throughout the rest of the tank. except for the massive amount of white tube like sponges the rocks looks pretty clear.

so yesterday I got 10 astrea snails and they are doing quite a good job cleaning the rocks up, not that they are doing it in a fast motion, but the trail they leave behind is clean. I think in a week or two they will turn all the algae into poop which is much easier to clean up. I haven't had a clean up crew in this tank before now, I didn't feel I was growing enough algae to feed a tidy up crew and my coral beauty was doing a decent job of controlling it. but when I took him out of the tank for treatment the algae got stronger and when I put him back in he wouldn't touch a lot of what had grew. I did some research and made a list of 7 suggested snails that were easy to work with but my local lfs only had astrea's. I think I may only stick with these 10 because before everything goes into the 90g the rock will be cooked and no tap water will be used. I don't wanna get more tidy up crew members just to have the 90g be too clean to support their lives.

Rainbowfish tank?

Could 2 neon dwarf rainbows, 1 boesmani rainbow, and 3 blue-eyed forktail rainbows live together in a 25 (US) gallon tank?

Newest addition

How do I set up a 75 gallon tank?

Do I buy rocks and stack them? Do I buy any water additives? The saltwater already made up? I have no idea how to start this tank. In my freshwater tank after each water change I add water conditioner and stuff to make it safe, do I do this here as well? When I do water changes, do I need to keep buying the ready made stuff? Or fill it with tap and add the salt? I need advice here guys. :arg:

hydor wavemaker cracked my glass

I spoke to John Ngyen on the phone this morning, whom is the Director of customer service for Hydor in Sacramento, California.

They are claiming that it is IMPOSSIBLE for their pump, to crack my tank. I clearly took a video (among other videos) that clearly show that the crack, went RIGHT through where their "super safe" magnet system was placed. They are blaming it on the tank manufacturer, the tank manufacturer is blaming it on the pump. I need direction here please. I will "test" the pump to see if it vibrates or something... but they are saying even if i send it to them "they wont test it" so its a who cares situation... Ive lost live sand, creatures, and jugs and jugs of nutri-seawater at 24.99/ea...

Please anyone advise me as to what i do next?


Hello Christopher,

How long have you had the tank? It is impossible for a pump to crack a glass aquarium since the magnets are just to hold the pump in place, the 850 pump is not a big pump either.

The pressure in the tank with water is much stronger than the pump which is only 5w.

Hydor USA, Inc.

Customer Service

4740 Northgate Blvd #125

Sacramento, CA 95834

From: Christopher Woodard


Date: 10/26/2014 11:53 PM

Subject: Nuovo Contatto dal Sito Hydor - eng


Nuovo Contatto dal Sito Hydor - eng

Nome : Christopher

Cognome : **

Azienda :

Paese di provenienza : Nord America

Telefono : 775***

Messaggio : Dear sir or madam I just recently purchased the koralia evo 850 from petco. I installed the pump inside my fish tankt tonight. I followed all the directions and follow the instructions completely.. After the pump was installed and running for approximately 15 minutes my aquarium cracked from the top straight down to the bottom. The crack was through where the magnet was placed. This has the ultra safe magnet and it states that it is a super safe magnet + suction cup up to 15 millimeters. This pump cracked my aquarium and I am requesting something to be done about this. Below are pictures and videos of the damage. I will call in the morning. This is a saltwater setup. Below is a video I just created just now. drive. google. com/folderview?id=0B8XuU8_nLOq7LXhJNmpwbV9VaFk&usp=sharing

Citta : Sparks

Provincia : NV

Motivo del contatto : Service/Warranty Requests

Clausola di riservatezza

Le informazioni contenute o allegate al presente messaggio sono dirette unicamente ai destinatari sopra indicati. In caso di ricezione da parte di persona diversa è vietato qualunque tipo di distribuzione o copia. Chiunque riceva questa comunicazione per errore è tenuto ad informare immediatamente il mittente e a distruggere il messaggio.

Confidentiality notice

The contained or attached information to the present message are directed only to the indicated addresse above. In case of reception from part of various person any type of distribution or copy is prohibited. Anyone receives this communication for error is held to inform immediately the sender and to destroy the message.

Dosing pump for Water changes?

I was thinking of using a dosing pump to do daily water changes, any ideas on that? i was looking at the Jebao Dosing pump DP-4 (it is the cheapest out there) and was wondering if there is a way to change the flow per minute on each of the heads? Any ideas? The dosing pump can be used to dispense from 1ml-9999ml per day. But does anyone know if you can change the flow per minute?



hi all

hello new to trt just here for advise and hope to be able to give some, someday. started reef back in august. nice to bounce ideas around in here. thanks in advance.

Local NY pipefish

I have been collecting pipefish in New York all my life but these seem different. A friend of mine collected these on the south shore of Long Island and he kept them in a bucket for over a month. He gave them to me because my tank is set up for pipefish already and he didn't think they would make it in his tank with his powerheads. I have them in a small tank just to see how they eat and they are sucking down new born brine shrimp as fast as I can hatch them. After they fatten up a little on shrimp, I will put them in my reef. Probably in a day or two. The ones I collect look different and I never had luck with them so I hope these four make it.

tank specs

55 gal. with 20 gal sump refug lifeguard quiet one 3000 pump diy 1 1/4" overflow eshoppe psk-75 skimmer coralife lunar quad 54w t5 fixture one hydor 850 powerhead.

Pump Suggestion


I "inherited" a 120 gallon tank and the pump (reeflo 2700) died last night. Looking for suggestions on the best pump to replace it with.

The tank is on the first floor and the sump is in the basement.

Tank light under canopy?

Resently bought a used 220 gallon tank with a stand and canopy. I than bought the guys lighting system off him a few weeks later. He paid well over 1000 for the lights. When he had the tank he just had the lights hanging over the tank with the canopy on. I absolutly want to keep the canopy and lighting system but I am unsure of how to put it inside.

help identify please

I am not sure what this is I moved some of my live rock around yesterday and saw this yellow stuff on the rock. It seems like it grew on the show that was facing down. I don't know what it is please someone help.

I hope this link works for pictures

Rocktoberfest ends Friday!

Need reef rock? Don't miss this sale!

Celebrate Rocktoberfest until the end of October at Marine Depot!

> 25% off CaribSea's new Life Rock, South Seas Base Rock and Rubble Zone Rubble Rock

> 10% off Real Reef Live Rock and Shelf Rock w/ coupon REALREEFROCK

> 15% off our best-selling rock, AquaMaxx Dry Reef Rock

We're also offering 10% off all AquaMaxx aquarium products until the end of October with coupon code AQUAMAXX. The coupon cannot be used on AquaMaxx products that are out of stock or already on sale and may not be redeemed with other coupon offers.

An app for The Reef Tank?

I've been looking all over for an app to this forum because when I'm not working I prefer to use my phone and tablet. (Computers mean work for me so I avoid using them when I'm not working.) I really think The Reef Tank needs an app. Especially one that allows us to post pictures from. Is there one and I'm just missing it, or is there not one? I'd make one myself but I have no clue how to do it.

120g Fish tank stand EMERGENCY!! HELP NEEDED

Hello everyone....

Recently I had a pipe burst in my basement... my sump pump took most of the water... but of course the water made its way into my finished section of the basement where my 120gallon saltwater tank is located.... This happened last week... we shop vacc'd as much water up out of the carpet as we could.. and we ran about 5 box fans in the room.. everything is dry and well now.. BUTTTTTT... I noticed which seems to be a nightmare situation with my reed tank STAND......

It seems that the tank stand is made out of some very spungy type of material!!!! WTH!! all four legs facing out front and out back seemed to have sucked the water up and now are starting what seems to be "blowing out".... the inner legs facing outwards on the sides of the tank.. seem to be completely fine.. and possibly made out of a different material.. and are showing no signs of absorbing the water.... I have two box fans blowing air on the legs hoping to dry any moisture left in them... :(

anyways... I have NO idea how to go about this problem... please... all you experienced guys.. shed some light upon my situation.....

My father is a very experienced carpenter... and I spoke to him about it... so adding or rebracing is no issue.. im guessing there is no way to avoid empyting the full tank :( and taking out the whole reef !!! which i really dont want to do

Tuesday, wakey, wakey!

Good mawnin', TRT!

Coffee is ready. Nanner flapjacks with VT maple syrup this morning for for our birthday boy, Dick.

Gotta run. Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone.

Happy birthday to FishDaddy on 10/28!

And here's the Official TRT Chorus® to sing....


All natural ingredients!

Hi everyone, and as the title suggests, has/does anyone experiment with using natural stuff in their reef tanks? Natural sea water, sand, algae....ect. Of course using some common sense in collecting away from pollution sources, and not taking corals off a reef, but the run of the mill maintanence stuff. I've seen where some use nsw, but was curious as to how they adjust their sg or if just over time they've adjusted their tanks to the nsw salinity? Their are those here who live in 'tropical paradises' as well as those who live in more temperate regions where the shopping lists will vary greatly of course. I use natural sand in my tank, use 'sea-weed' as a treat for my herbivores, but was curious with the adventures of others in the hobby.

Enjoy our hobby,



lundi 27 octobre 2014

Euphyllia not looking good

In the past few weeks, my frogspawns and torches have not been acting normal. Their tentacles have shortened and become almost stubby like. Same with my Duncan coral which has about 7 heads and is usually extended pretty big and has long tentacles. Not sure what is going on? Seems to only be these corals. I have montis, birdsnest, acro, RBTA, mushrooms, stylophoria, chalice, zoanthids, acan, candy cane, and leathers. Everything seems to be doing just fine except for the torch corals, frogspawn, and Duncan coral. Which all have very short tentacles unlike how they used to be (long and wavy)

120 gallon standard with 40 gal sump

2 175 watt metal halides

2 rw 8 for flow


nitrates 2ppm

phosphates (don't know but don't have algae and have chaeto and GFO running)

PH 7.8-8.0

salinity: 1.026

nitrite 0

ammonia 0

I do weekly 25 gallon water changes with reef crystals.

Just recently (only thing I had access to) got a bucket of regular instant ocean, but I can't see this making that much of a difference?

Do not know my mag, alk, or calc, tank is not that stocked so I don't see there being much demand yet. I do my regular water changes each week which should be enough to keep up with my trace elements.

Tank is very clean, clear, plenty of flow, and everthing seems fine except these few coral which have almost retraced

Any ideas?

for some reason I can't upload photos.

Anyone have experience with blue neon gobies?

Hey everyone! I'm a bit new here. I've been keeping my nano reef in an 8 gal for the past 3 months. Despite a few hiccups in the beginning I haven't had many issues (knock on wood). However, something peculiar has happened that I'm not really sure how to explain, I'm hoping someone else has experience in this matter as well.

Approximately 3 weeks ago I bought a blue neon goby to add to the tank. The only other livestock in there is a 1" snowflake ocellaris, besides some frags and the odd snail here of there. For the first week everything was going fine, but then inexplicably, the blue neon disappeared! I've read many a time of these buggers going carpet surfing so I scoured the area around my tank, to no avail... I haven't seen him/her, in roughly 2 weeks (not even at feeding time!) and there aren't too many places for it to hide... So did I miss something? Is this little fish an incredible hider?

Let me know what you think!


what is this? coral growth?? white disk???

what are these things in the picture

there is one in the of the picture of the rock and then the rest there are circular disks at the edge of the rock? what are these? thanks!

plzz don't say aptasia! ive had them before in another tank it doesn't really look like them

Having trouble starting corals...zoas and acans

I am having difficulties getting both zoas and acans established in my tank. I am on my 3rd try with an acan and 4th or 5th with zoas. I just can't seem to get them going. I have several other corals (mushrooms, duncans, frogspawn, etc) which are doing fine in the tank. I am looking for suggestions on how to get these guys started and established in my tank. Here are some facts/ideas:

1. I buy frags, so they always come on a disk. I put the frags into a frag rock on the bottom of the tank. It is difficult to get the disks to stay in the rock, so they often come out and end up on the sand.

2. Is there too much flow? I have a 90 gallon cube, and 2 powerheads in opposite corners to generate the flow. They run 24 hours. Should I set one of them on a timer? Turn one or both off for a period?

3. Should I skip the frag rock and just mount the disk onto my LR?

Any advice/ suggestions are welcome. I LOVE both of these coral, and I just can't seem to have any success with them. Please help a desperate fellow reefer!!

injecting straight into mouth of aiptasia

So I have this aiptasia right in the middle of my gsp and can only see the mouth of it. Does it work to inject it right in the mouth or does it have to be in the base of it to kill it?

Hair Algae

I'm having a serious hair algae problem in one of my betta tanks. It started in one tank earlier this year and got so bad I moved him to another tank so I could thoroughly clean that one. The new tank he was in developed hair algae in a few weeks. I moved him back to his now clean tank, replaced the gravel and bought new decorations in case that was how it was carried over. It came back again. I soaked his old tank in bleach and again replaced the gravel/decoration - still returned. I even went as far as to buy a brand new tank! Nothing was moved over but the fish itself and the hair algae STILL popped up!

I recently tried AlgaeStop and while it seemed to work, it still returned within a few weeks. I use the same tanks for my other bettas with no issues so I know it's not the lighting or filtration. His tank has been moved repeatedly and gets less natural light than some others, so that's not it either. I feed him the same amount as the non-algae nightmare tanks.

I'm seriously at my wits end with this. Its like this poor fish is cursed with hair algae. It just follows him around. Any and all suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

cycle a new tank

Hi guys,

I am new to salt water so bear with me here...

I have set up a 20G fish only. Started with live rocks and live sand. There is no fish in the tank as of today. I have been adding a bit of brine shrimp or fish food every other day to keep the bacteria alive. It has been 8 days and all my readings are still zero. Shouldn't I get at least a bit of ammonia? how do I kick start the cycle of the fish food won't do it?

Thanks for your help,

Going to be on TV tomorrow night 10/28

Hey everyone!

In addition to reefing I also am part of a Haunted House we put on every year for charity.

Back in July we were contacted by a TV producer about being on a TV show about home haunters and were interested in featuring us on the show.

It went back and forth for a while but they did end up sending out a crew to film us back in September, and we were finally told that we are ON THE SHOW

So tomorrow night 10/28 be sure and check out...

The Great Halloween Fright Fight on ABC at 8PM

We are "Haunt for the Hungry" from Wharton New Jersey,

300 gal barebottom project

Journey into the Reef! - Mahnamahna's 55 Gallon

Since I am getting back into the salt tank world again after 10 years, and since I'm journeying into the reef world which is new to me, I thought I would start a thread of my tank from start to finish. I thought it would be a great way for me to document the process and I can ask all the questions I need and get all kinds of wonderful answers from the reef experts here. Because I'm cool like that. Yeah. :cool: :D

BACK STORY (because every good cool super hero has a back story):

Once upon a time (15 years ago) I had started a 29 gallon and soon after added a 90 gallon FOWLR saltwater tank. We enjoyed it immensely and the tanks were going great. But then life got in the way and this super hero had to hang her cape up 5 years later and give up the salt tanks. Apparently, 10 years is a long, looong, LOOOOOONG time when it comes to saltwater tanks and what they need. My keeping successful FOWLR tanks in the past, I have learned, has not given me much in regards to knowing a lick about reef keeping, especially reef keeping today. Reef is soooo much more intense! So, basically, I feel like a noob all over again. So much so that I plan on venturing into it slowly because, frankly, I'm scared of screwing it up and losing a ton of money in the process. I'm a very cautious cool super hero. :D

So, back to the present with my 55 gallon tank that I started 5 weeks ago. It's pretty much finished with the cycling process and diatoms have started to organize a party which I think they plan on having later this week. I halted their plans last week, but they are insisting on having this party. I hope they aren't too rowdy... Chicken Fish, my striped damsel, probably wouldn't like that. He's not very brave. It took him forever just to get acquainted with the live rock. He's chicken but he's cute. :D

I started with bare basics - a simple hood light, 60 lbs of live sand, heater, one wave maker, and protein skimmer. I added a small piece of live rock and started the cycling process. I have since added Chicken Fish, another wave maker, a T5 light, about 40 to 50 lbs of dead rock, and a timer switch that one of our fellow reefers here, rininger85, gave me this past weekend. (He and his wife are awesome! FYI) The light is sitting on a homemade wooden beam from the previous owner of the light and dead rock, and I absolutely hate it. It's ugly. Chicken Fish has stated that he is scared of it too. I'm thinking of having my side kick (husband) hang it or build a much better stand for the light to rest on. Hopefully sooner than later.

This morning I spent over 2 hours setting the rock the way I want it, and I'm still not happy with it. I want more rock. Chicken Fish wants more rock. We both like a more substantial look, but unfortunately I ran out of rock. So I created the overall look I'm going for but will add more as I get it to give it more substance. I also want to use more rock to hide the things of man in the tank. In the meantime, this will work, and I know that corals will eventually round it off. Baby steps. Itty bitty teeny tiny baby steps because this super hero isn't ready to fly just yet. :D

My next step is getting a snail or two and a shrimp. I'm sure the diatom party this week is going to require a clean up crew. Chicken Fish will most likely appreciate it.

The AquaMaxx sale you’ve been waiting for!

10% off AquaMaxx

Enjoy 10% off all AquaMaxx aquarium products at Marine Depot until midnight on Halloween with coupon code AQUAMAXX

This coupon may only be applied to in stock AquaMaxx products that are not already on sale

Cleaner Common Wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus) and ich

I have a question. Some of my fish have ich sometimes. It come and goes, they don't die, they, like my hyppo is a magnet and gets over it, so i've stopped the quarantine and he's fine. So id my convict tang who don't have any spots but , brushes himself on the sand, clearly trying to get rid of a parasite ich or otherwise.

So adding a Cleaner Common Wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus) would it help with this. i mean would it help them, not necessarely get rid of ich in the tank. Its present and , well i'm stuck with it until i dismantel it. All my fishes are healthy as far as i can tell . They're very fat and active.

150G softie Reef.

The rest are the same;

I feed 12 different dried alges and 32 different live ones. Vitamins every 2 weeks.

Home made food Octopus, baby calamaries, a bag of squids, some calamary tubes, 4 bags of shrimps, one bag of sardines, mysis shrimp, some red plankton, Krill, spirulina brine shrimp, Garlic, selcon vitamins, and spirulina powder. Thank God for the food processors and ziplock bags.

75 G refugium feeding by gravity the 150G reef

firefish not himself

In the last 2 days my Firefish has been acting up. He has been sitting in the right side of the tank and hovering an inch above the sand. He used to swim around the tank and was very happy and cheerful.

The only change to my tank is that i added a diamond goby last week. He doesnt seem to bother my firefish but that is all that changed.

My levels seem pretty decent: Ammon: 0 Nitrite .25 nitrate 30-40.

I have had him for about 3 months with no issues i just want to make sure hes not getting sick. I dont see spots and i dont see him rubbing up against the sand it just makes me sad he wont move from his spot.

Please let me know what is best or if i should throw him in my QT tank.


Need to know what this is on my zoa

I am sure this is a normal part of the zoa but I have never seen this before on mine. My corals are all pretty new to me, only been the tank a month or so. I noticed this bubble looking thing in the middle of the zoa. Can someone tell me what it is or what it means when a zoa does this?

I know its a bit closed up in the pic, that's because I was having a problem with my Hydra and the light came on at 100%. Both of my zoas closed up when a few crabs bumped into them after this happened.

Best of Award Winners: 2011-2013

Many thanks to everyone who visited us at Reef A Palooza last weekend!

You probably noticed the Best of 2014 products on display in our booth. Curious which products won in year's past?

Take a look:

Best of Award Winners: 2011-2013

cover for tank

can anyone help me, been searching for a cover for my tank, im currently using a glass lid with a light that sits on top of the glass, but what im looking for is a better lid like the net/cage type ones, does anyone have a link or anywhere i can find one? my tank is a 55 gallon 4ft long, has that divider in the middle of the tank. Anything or advice would be awesome


Rena Filstar XL Issue

Hey everyone just looking for some help on an issue i am having with a Rena Filstar XL canister filter. It is a 4 basket filter. I love these Renas but recently been having issues with my XL (my M on my freshwater works without this issue)

I did a new media change on this filter (added carbon). After doing this i hooked everything back up and let the water come into the filter like i always do and wait 5 mins before turning back on.

The spray bar seems to be pushing out a ton of bubbles. I have opened and re seated the media trays multiple times without luck. shaking or leaning the filter seems to have a leak toward one side. I am thinking it isnt a great seal. But i cant figure out why one side is leaking. If it was O ring issue it would leak all around the top not just one side.

Any ideas to try would be great. (it doesnt seem to leak when in use) just the air taking in seems to be causing air bubbles and LOTS of bubbles in show tank.

I have some extra hoses and may try to run them tonight, my hoses are a bit to long but i have heard going to short is an issue as well.

Let me know if anyone has any ideas to try....

Good Reef Weekend

Algae continues to recede. Added a few more tochus snails bringing the total to 10. Both clowns are doing well and eating, though they don't like clam or squid. They love shrimp and blood worms. Picked up two cleaner shrimp on Friday and two peppermints yesterday (I found two aptasia in areas I can't reach...they appeared on rocks that had been soaked in fresh water for three did they survive? Ugh).

Went to Fish Planet in Deerfield, near where I used to live, as I was in the area anyway...and it is right by Deerfield's Bakery...YUM!!! I have gotten some great corals from him in the past so wanted to "just take a look". Turns out he had peppermint shrimp in stock, so I grabbed two. Also found a coral I didn't even know existed. it is a branching bubble coral. It is now in my tank, along with the branching hammer I got last week.

My wife was with me and saw a red/blue wrasse. I knew I wanted a wrasse as the next fish, but wasn't sure on which one...This was a gorgeous Parrot Wrasse, so grabbed that too. First I have ever bought from there. Acclimated, added to the tank. It immediately hit in the rockwork, as expected. What wasn't expected that feeding about 15 minutes later, it came out and was eating aggressively. Pleasant surprise.

Of course, I need to get some egg crate pretty quick....

Store closing, got great deals

So, as most of you know i switched from a 55gal to a 90gal. The 55 is going to replace my wife's 2 15 gal tanks (4 total clowns, a small puffer). we needed to get some replacement floss for the HOB filter and the only place that sells it nearby is a petsmart about an hour away. we also needed to get sand for the 55g. so we went to petco for the sand then ambled across the freeway to petsmart. above the door was a giant sign, "Store Closing"

now, to complete the 55g setup we needed lighting, a glass top (cause i never could find one to fit), and a powerhead.

Well, most of the store was looking empty, but we managed to get 2 24' Aqueon modular LED fixtures and 2 extra led "bulbs" at 40% off, we got 2 bags of food (that all our fish love) at 40% off, we got a maxi-jet 900 at 40% off, we got 2 packages of the filter floss at 50% off, AND best of all, the glass tops which i couldn't find (marineland made an odd sized frame for a few years) were also 40% off. This made the wife happy and now we have the 55 up and cycling.

Clown missing

I went on vacation for 9 days, 3 days ago my mother texted me saying one of my corals has some white spots on it. Had her send a pic to me. I was nothing much but in the pic was both clowns. Got home late lastnight and one clown is missing, tore the tank apart looking for a body, not a trace. Could it of been consumed with in 3 days to nothing? Didnt jump out, made a full proof feeding door for her to dump in measured food. I have 1 cleaner shrimp, 2 very small blue leg hermits, a dozen snails, a few small bad crabs amd a very small hitchiker pistol shrimp plus whatever i dont know of.... On my other tank the ATO went out the day after we left. I tested it for 1 month before and sure enough I got a text saying the water was evaporating out and not replenishing. The **** hose popped off the pump, easy fix but dang....

Member Picture

Having trouble getting my member picture onto my profile. Everytime I say save changes, it says "Failure to upload". The picture has been reduced to less than 25fb and only about 300x172 pixels which is well under the specified size. Any ideas?

Clownfish on one side of tank

What's up guys? I just set up a 29 community tank. I'm just getting back into it, I had a 55 in the past. The tank is all set up and the first two fish I chose were a perc clown and black and white clown 1.5" each. They favor one side of the tank and I don't know why. Maybe they need to get acclamated to the tank or are designating territory. My filter is an aqua clear 50 my local fish guy recommended. It can be put in a tank up to a 55. My family thinks they're being forced to one side because the current is too strong. I think they're nuts but when they swim it does look like it takes them some effort to get to the side with the filter. But then again I've seen them in YouTube videos swimming into power heads loving the current. Thanks in advance.

*onday, *onday

Good mawnin', TRT!

Coffee is ready. Oatmeat with nanners, chopped pecans, brown sugar and cinnamon.

Fall has flow the coop for the next few days. 80 today, and 82 tomorrow. But - it's good for keeping fuel use down.

Lots of love and hugs and peace to everyone.

dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Another ro/di thread... Cuz I'm gettin one next week finally!!

So I just wanna double check this is what I need and if I need to get anything else.

I don't mind not having a warranty, ro/di is more important and I don't have a lot of money to put twords it and I'm not setting up my 90g without it.

Corals acting Strange!!! any ideas?

I thought my corals were being a bit fussy the last few days but now im beginning to become concerned. I have a Zoa that was open and now its closing, I moved it because hermits were bumping it and making it close. its slightly opening now. my GSP is completely closed but was happy just a few days ago. my hammer coral is THRIVING and very happy however. I do have what seems to be a diatom bloom happening again but my water is showing no ammonia and no nitrates. I use RO DI water from my LFS who only deals in saltwater life and has a great reputation. just tested it 5 minutes ago! wondering what could be the issue? pics to follow.

External Heating Method?

So, due to me possibly leaving my tank for an extended period of time (1 week max), I wish to limit the possible risks to the tank.

I currently have no heater, due to my canopy keeping the tank warm, but winter is coming and I need to prepare.

Is there any way, perhaps already done, that I can heat the tank from the outside. Perhaps some sort of heat pad/tape, placed on the back glass?

Help with choosing a tank!

Hello:dance:. First time poster been lurking about a month reading deep into the VAST depths of information on reef tanks. I'm excited to start my reef tank up and due to finances and schedule I'll be waiting until around January to assemble start cycling the tank.

My thoughts right now are a 75-120 gallon display tank with a 30% sump. I plan to have a shallow sand bed for aesthetic reasons despite the potential for detritus to build up in the sediment.

I have tons of questions but will save most of them for later on as hopefully between now and then I will find lots of answers on my own!

But right now what I really need help with is finding tank manufacturers. I plan to construct the fish tank stand myself and that will probably take me a month to do. So I want to start that ASAP! I obviously can not build the thing though until I choose a tank unless I oversize it.

So far I've only looked at deep blue's reef ready tanks. They're pretty expensive though in the size im looking at. I've read briefly about aqueon, but at the moment I'm an open book and would LOVE to get some advice and opinions on tank manufacturers.

If you were starting anew how would you go about picking your tank?

How do you weight and rank the different attributes of a tank. (Acrylic is best? or is glass best?, is the material small potatoes compared to the manufacturing method?)

Is it better to have a TALL tank or a deep tank (60Wx18Hx24D vs. 60Wx24Hx18D?)

Anything else to note?

Thanks for any info in advance,


Preparing to switch to 90g, got some stuff to do first

Well in prepping to switch my 55g to the 90g I got last week I've decided along with rebuilding the 90g tank I'm also going to cook my live rock since my 90g will be bb with just a sandpit or two for whatever sand loving creatures I'll have. I just realized yesterday that I get an extra paycheck this month so I'll be getting my ro/di unit when I get paid on Friday.

There are a few projects that I'll have going on that need to be completed before the 90g gets filled with water. Here is a list:

Ro/di station built -must have

New led light for 10g -must have

10g upgrade to 20g -must have

Sump transferred from current 55g to my 55g display now -to be finished 1 week after 90g is filled

Waterfall pillar built -this will probably have to sit in water for awhile since I'll be using concrete

1 out of 3 batches of LR cooked -not so important since the time frame is unavoidable

Permanent canopy made for lighting -must have

90g drilled and new overflow installed -must have

Buff out 90g glass -must have

Reroute and finish electrical cabinet -semi important

Setup black worm container within ro/di station -not important

Rework horizontal braces on stand -must hav

Finish stand skin -not important

So that's the list and now I'll go into more detail.

Ro/di station will consist of 3 shelves, bimensions will be determined when I find 2 suitable water containers. Bottom shelf will be 30g (total DT/frag/sump volume ~150g) ro/di water, 2nd shelf will have the ro/di unit and my black worm setup. It's just a 3gallon tote with an airstone. 3rd shelf will have 30g salt water. This allows for 20% water change at once. Seeing as how I just got a 90g I may see what I can do about getting bigger containers for 40g each. Ato hooked in as well but this may come later.

Drivers for the new led light are already delivered, waiting on led's to come in. Gotta make my buddy a new fixture and whatever is left over I'll use on my 10g which will be upgraded to a 20g. Still need to get 1 driver though. So I'll build everything and add the driver in later.

10g frag tank will be replaced with 20g long. Not sure if it's tempered or not but I'll drill it if I can and also build a coast to coast overflow out of acrylic, not too sure yet if I'm going to build a fancy return for it yet. I'll also have to replace the top of the stand for this to add in supports for the 20g, this will give the stand a T shape instead of a rectangle. The 20g is important because it will hold my yellow watchman goby and all my frags while I'm swapping out the 55g for the 90g.

The sump I have now is a 55g found in a dumpster. I added a bubble trap and two other baffles to make 3 chambers. All silicone failed except for the return baffle -.- probably due to this being my first go at making a sump combined with not using enough silicone initially and when I clean my sump I vacuum all water out of each chamber and run it thru a filter sock then return it to the sump and when I'm done I'll then take out 30g's and put a new 30g in. This tank is being sold to my brother, I was looking at my pods in the sump one day and noticed one whole panel has spider web cracks throughout it. So I'll use my display 55g as a new sump and sell this one to my brother because he wants to use it for reptiles. Then I'll make a better sump once the 90g is put in place. I think it will still have the 3chamber setup but I'm not sure because of skimmer specs since I wanna hold the maximum amount of water possible. I may end up putting the skimmer where my electrical panel is now and move the electric to underneath a wing of the 20g. That would require an external skimmer vrs internal. I'll do the sump correctly and give silicone a week to set.

I plan on making my return barely noticeable by making my return look like a waterfall. Only without all the rushing water and splashing. It'll look more like a stream of water coming out of the rock flowing gently into the water. At the bottom of the waterfall pillar there will be a sandpit with a couple caves and the middle will consist of live rocks with pennensulas protruding from it. The hose will be hidden on the outside by a 2nd peice that will hang on the rim made to look like rock as well. This assembly will have to be made then soake in water so whatever is going to leech out of it doesn't do so inside my established tank, could take a few days to a few months..

The final aquascape will consist of two pyramids of rock with a large tunnel going thru the bottom of each. I have the rocks to do it now and I'm going to cook one pyramid at a time because I keeping my tank clean now, there is only maybe 2-3 cups of sand in a corner now and I'm growing algae like it's cool at the moment which leads me to believe the rocks are full of unwanted nutrients. This weekend when I get my ro/di I'll start cooking one batch of rocks an hopefully it will be ready when I'm ready to install the 90g.

After I rebuild the 90g I'll drill it and make a coast to coast overflow out of acrylic. But not on the long side, it will be on the short side and it'll be toothless. I saw a setup, forget the name of it but it's a dead silen setup consisting of a full siphon, open siphon and emergency drain.

Like I said earlier the electrical cabinet may get moved to make room for an external skimmer. Or it may not but I do need to run the wires for my lights better.

Black worms will go with the ro/di. A 3G container with an airstone worked before so I'll go that route again. There should be plenty of space in my water station for it.

I removed a horizontal brace to relieve some pressure on the hose for my return. I need to put it back only in a better position.

The 90g glass is all scratched. From what I've read if your nails can catch the scratch it most likely won't go away but I can't feel any of the scratches so I'll have to repair them somehow.

After all is said and done I need to finish the outside of the stand, probably a golden brown stained wood, nothin too fancy but the front panel will have a viewing area that shows the biggest chamber in the sump because is like to either put a nem and two clowns in there or use that area to turn the system into a saltwater aquaponics system utilizing macro algae like helmermudds. A small door will go above the viewing area for easy of feeding

Well those are my projects. I can start tearing down the 90g to put new frames and silicone it then let it sit for a month with water in the shed for a leak test. That should be done within the next two weeks. I'll get a couple water containers when I get the ro/di and make my water station as well. The plumbing to make it automated will have to wait tho since I need a new pump. I'll probably upgrade the return pump for my sump and use that pump for my ro/di. Led's should be here within 2 weeks so I can start getting plans for that ready. I can think of a good idea on hanging my lights as well. I don't want them to open with the canopy but I do want to be able to move them so I'm thinking some kindve track system. That should keep me busy for the next two weeks.

I'm doin this thread to kindve keep track of things for myself but questions, comments, ideas and opinions are welcome.

How To Search

I want to trade(or buy from) with members in Southeast GA. or Northeast Florida

How do I search so I can find members from my Area.

old rock for new tank

My husband and I are going to start up a new 30 gallon tank soon,but my question is,do u think we could use our old live rock from our old tank in this one? It has been out of water now for about 2 years or so,so its no longer "live" ,is there a certain way to clean and prepare it for a new tank? Or should we just get new stuff?

Algae - Please help

Hello all, it's been a little while since my last post which was also regarding my algae. I put a lot of work into getting new equipment and everything and here I am 3 months later still with lots of algae... My tank is a CoralLife 29 gallon biocube. I have a FO tank (and a lot of algae) I would however like to get coral but I want to get rid of my algae first. My fish are: black and gold damsel, kupang damsel, clownfish, and bengai cardinal. I would also like to maybe get 1 or 2 more fish or even selling some and getting some other fish instead. I have 2 shrimp, 1 emerald crab, and 1 zebra hermit. My tank has been running since late December 2013. I am looking for any suggestions as to getting rid of the algae it is very discouraging and I would love to just have a beautiful tank :) . I attached some pictures of all the algae. One other thing: what do you guys think about turning off the lights for 2 days?

porcelain crabs

Do Porcelain crabs eat bristle worms?:a17:

Corals doing bad after 3years?

I have a bunch of soft corals. Most have been in my 30 gal. for at least 2 years. All have been thriving. About 6 weeks ago, we started to notice most of them not doing well and it's progressed to where my Xenia is gone and my ricodea is not far behind. Candy canes dying too. Only the button polyps are still doing good. Nothing has changed in the tank for years, no change in routine. The water checks out as:







Any ideas?