jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Frag help

Hello everybody, I am looking for some experienced fraggers out there. I usually try to buy frags already on rocks but just went to Coral Con last weekend and bought some rarer Zoas/Palys on plugs. Of course this week after a few nights my crabs managed to knock some of them loose and the Zoas came off the plug. Luckily I was able to recover them and they are currently floating in a Ziploc so they do not get lost amongst my 200+ lbs of live rock. They seem healthy still and are staying somewhat open but I want to fix them up. So I have a few questions for you, I appreciate your help.

  1. How do I reattach the Zoas/Palys back onto the plugs and what do I use to attach them? Epoxy of some sort? Does it hurt the coral?

  2. What is the best way to attach the plugs/discs to live rock?

  3. Is it common practice to drill holes in live rock with a masonry bit to insert the plug into? I would ultimately like to attach plugs to smaller pieces of live rock so they can grow over them and I can move them around if need be.

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